Chapter Thirty-Seven: Tell Me

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"Honestly, you should have seen his face." Hoseok laughed pointing to Jimin as he was telling Adelia some memories she had missed out on.

"That's so funny," she said, trying to contain herself. Yoongi grabs the TV remote from the table and switches to the news channel. "Let's see if this town has got any better," Yoongi says.

"Doubt it," Namjoon mumbled, crossing his legs as he paid all of his attention to the screen.

"In tonight's news, more bodies have been found. The police are still trying their best to figure out why all these murders are happening. As we said the last time, close all doors and windows and make sure you are safe at all times. As of now as a town, we need to stick together and protect each other if you notice anything unfamiliar call the police and emergency services straight away. Thank you and goodnight."

Namjoon switched the TV off as the room fell quiet.

"Well then, it's just got worse," Yoongi says standing up and heading to the stairs. I looked around and noticed Namjoon putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going?" I asked walking up to him, "I'm going to go search this town, this is my town, and I need to make sure it's none of our people who are doing these crimes. They have all been warned, and I need to make sure they know their place." Without saying another word, Namjoon closes the door. I looked out of the window as he soon disappeared out of sight.

I walked back over to where Adelia was sitting and noticed she was tired, "Do you want to go to sleep?" She nods as she yawns "Yes," she said.

I opened my door for her as she admired my room, "This is so nice," she whispered. I looked over and noticed I left my laptop on my bed, I grabbed it and shut it down before sliding it under my bed again. I looked back at Adelia and saw that she was smirking. She made her way towards me and pushed me back on my bed.

Adelia grabs my face and lightly kisses me as she brushes her fingers through my hair, "I've missed doing this," she says poking my cheek.

"Me too," I sat up and looked outside the window, it was very windy, I hoped Namjoon was okay.

I must have daydreamed for a minute or two because Adelia seemed like she was losing her patience.

"Jungkook?" She waved her hands over my face as I snapped out of it, "What- yeah? Sorry, a lot is going through my mind, what's wrong?"

Adelia huffed, "Can you tell me who Lydia is now?" I gulped trying to find my words. "She uh- well, you see," I couldn't pick the right way to describe her.

"Just tell me Jungkook."

"She came to this town not that long ago and well I thought she was you."

Adelia scrunched up her face, "You thought a random girl was me?"

I shook my head, "No, of course not. Not a random girl! She was different, Adelia, I've met girls over the years trying to find you again. But this certain girl, she is different, she looks exactly like you, and I meant exactly like you." I said, trying not to set Adelia off. She looked a bit pissed off.

"Well, I would like to meet her," she says getting under the covers and closing her eyes. I sighed as I did the same, I know I've said too much.

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