Chapter Fifty: Secrets

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Throughout the night I heard Precious run around. I didn't mind as I had earphones in watching YouTube on my phone. I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't fall asleep.

It was now 2 am and my mum was sleeping in her room. We stayed up late and binge-watched movies on Netflix. It was great to have her company again, it now felt like home.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs quietly, getting myself a glass of water. I came back up with my glass and I tiptoed past my mum's room. I didn't want to wake her up after her long journey, she should rest.

I slowly closed my door as I heard it click, I looked over at Precious to see what she was doing. She was now going to bed.

I grabbed my earphones and was about to put them back in until I heard soft bangs on my window. I slowly opened my curtains and noticed a figure facing my window, I tried to see who it was, but it was too dark.

I moved my blinds out of the way and opened my window.

"Past, Lydia," I heard the figure whisper.

The figure came closer and started climbing up to my window. It frightened me how easily the person climbed up. I put my lamp on as I noticed the figure took their hood down.

"Mr Johnston?" I said... I was so confused? What was he doing here?

"Please just call me Sam, Lydia... listen to me. You need to get out of this town as soon as possible, I made a terrible mistake. I shouldn't have led you here I'm so sorry," he says checking outside the window.

"What do you mean?" I was now even more confused.

"Let me start from the beginning okay, so basically. I was in the city doing business meetings and I walked out and noticed you. I had admittedly thought you were Adelia, I never got to say goodbye to her, I just got a fright when I saw you. So, I did some research and found out your mum Hannah was looking for a job. I may have got my co-worker to phone your mum and pretended to sell this house on the market for you to come to this town. Nobody knows what I have done until now, I knew I shouldn't have lured you both in. Murders are getting high now and we all have no idea who is the fault. Namjoon had a word with me earlier and I couldn't keep it a secret anymore, this is my fault you are here and I want to protect you and get you out of this town," Sam says as I shook.

"You made me feel terrified at every breath I took here, you made me uncomfortable, I hate this town to the fullest and you are now telling me, what about your party? The second night we had arrived," I tried to explain.

"The party was just for me to see you, It was a random host I made so I could see you. But when I got introduced to you, I backed out. I felt bad I just couldn't talk, or I would have let something slip and you and Hannah would be in such great danger."

"But Sam, why are you telling me this now?" I repeated.

Sam glanced at me then checked the window again.

"Lydia, it's not only the murders and weird stuff what's happening right now it's also Adelia. She isn't the daughter I used to know, she has a plan... a plan to take over this town, I had overheard her on the phone last night. Please, I don't know how dangerous she is since I haven't been with her through the years, but you just have to go," Sam then disappears out of the window and was nowhere to be seen.

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