Chapter Sixty-Nine: Backstabbed

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"You killed your own son? You're twisted!" Yoongi yelled.

"I had to do it, he was in the way of the plan," Sam then fired back.

"Enough!" I shouted.

They both remained silent after that, "We treated you like family, we welcomed you into our world, and you just backstabbed us!" I growled.

"What do you want me to say? I'm sorry? Not going to happen. I've lost everything, now let me out of here!" He banged on the bars as it made an echoing sound around the room.

Yoongi and I laughed as we both looked at each other, I moved closer to him and slowly shook my head.

"You really thought we would let you go? After what you almost did to Lydia? No chance, you've ruined the poor girl."

I stood up and walked away while Yoongi trailed behind me, making our way back upstairs we heard Sam begging for mercy. He wanted out.

I was about to shut the door when I heard Sam scream again.

"Question your youngest, he has been up to no good as well." I turned around and frowned, I shut the door making sure I locked it.

"What does he mean?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know, I will have a word with Jungkook."

I passed Yoongi and walked upstairs again to Lydia's room. I was walking along the hall until I heard laughter coming from her room. I slowly opened the door as the laughter died down, Lydia and Jungkook were sat on her bed talking, they had stopped when they noticed me.

"Hi,"I greeted them.

"hey, how did it go?" Jungkook asked.

"It went good, we talked it out of him. I will go back down later and ask him more. I just can't face him, he's angered me."

Jungkook looked down and let out a sigh, I patted him on the back, "It's okay, we have it all under control. I also need to talk to you, meet me in my office in 5 minutes," I told him. He nodded, and I shut the door behind me before making my way to my office.

I was trying to plan out what I should ask him first, should I ask him what Sam meant? Or perhaps what Sam told us? Either way... Jungkook isn't leaving my office in a happy mood.

"How did it go?" I looked up to see Taehyung, "It went good on our side, bad on his."

"Good, what happened?"

"I will tell everyone later, right now I need to tell Jungkook, he is most involved. But I need your help," I said.

"Sure, what with?"

"Make sure Jungkook doesn't get into the basement after I talk to him. You know what he is like, I have bad things to tell him, I know he won't take it well."

Taehyung nodded and sat nearest the door.

I gave Taehyung a thumbs up and went into my office, I waited for him to arrive as I sat slowly spinning on my chair.

"Namjoon?" I heard Jungkook say.

"Just in time." He took a seat in front of me as I rubbed my hands together, trying to find words.

"So, what is it?" He asked

"I don't know how to tell you." Jungkook frowned as he raised his eyebrow.

"Just tell me," he begged, I let out a sigh and got straight to the point.

"Jungkook... Adelia didn't love you."

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