Chapter Sixty: Voicemail

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I rubbed my head, I couldn't remember anything else, it was just a blur to me.

"I can't take this anymore, why can't I remember anything?" I yelled, trying my best to remember that current night she came back.

"To think about it, neither can I?" Jimin said as Taehyung agreed. We all sat and thought but we just couldn't remember a thing.

"Fuck this, let's go," Jimin said standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To talk to her."

Taehyung and I looked at each other and slowly followed Jimin. We stood behind him as we noticed some boys downstairs doing things. Hoseok looked up and noticed the three of us.

"Hey boys, I want to show you something."

We walked over to him and sat down, "What do you want to show us?" I asked.

"This." he showed us his middle finger, "Hey!" I laughed.

"You all look so suspicious, what have you done this time?" Hoseok asked... did we look that bad?

We explained everything to him and he thankfully agreed to it all.

"Have you tried talking to Namjoon?"

"Yeah, that's what Taehyung asked, he just won't listen."

Hoseok stood up, "Let me, I will be back soon."

We watched him walk to his office and knocked on his door. The door opened as Adelia walked out, spotted us. She smirked, grabbing her jacket and walking out of the house.

Moments later, Hosoek came out, "It helped a little, he still doesn't believe us, he wants proof."

Suddenly, we heard a phone go off from upstairs, we all ran and ended up in my room. I rummaged through Adelia's things where the noise was coming from and noticed it was her phone.

The call ended and a voicemail notification appeared.

"Someone go get Namjoon."

Jimin ran out of the room and seconds later he was back with Namjoon, "This better be good, I was on an important phone call."

"It is, I promise you," I said handing her phone over to him, "Do you know the password?" He questioned, holding the small phone in his hands.

"Yeah, hold on." I quickly unlocked her phone, and I handed it back to Namjoon.

He went on the voicemail and put the phone to his ears. We all stayed silent as Namjoon's eyes widened. What did he hear?

He took the phone and put it on my bed, "Gather everyone and meet in the living room in 5 minutes." He ordered as we all nodded, understanding him. We all split up as I got my phone out and phoned Yoongi.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Out on patrol, why?"

"Namjoon wants a family meeting, come back right now."

Yoongi seemed to understand and ended the call, I made my way downstairs to see everyone there already, we were now just waiting for Yoongi to return. Not even 2 minutes later, Yoongi walked in and nodded at Namjoon.

"So, it came to my attention that I owe Jungkook an apology, I'm sorry Jungkook." He looked at me.

"Okay, here is what is happening... it looks like our dearest Adelia has betrayed us. She is working with a man named Nathaniel and is planning to take over this town. As some of you boys know, he left a voicemail. He was telling Adelia to meet him at the abandoned warehouse."

I tensed up, "Can I ask you all something?" I said standing up.

"Go for it," Jin says.

"Can you remember anything about her? I mean, can you remember her arrival? Or just anything?" The room fell silent as they all shook their heads.

"Anyway, what are we waiting for? We have to go to the warehouse!" Taehyung said getting up, we all agreed and got ready, we were preparing to fight, nobody will run this town except Namjoon.

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