Chapter Ninety-Three: Attacked

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"Fuck, Namjoon come here quickly!"

"Shit, who did this to you?"

"Jin, go get the bandages and help him!"

I rolled out of bed and checked the time showing it was 1 am, what was going on? Today was full of sadness and excitement, Jungkook and I didn't get home until late. We stayed in that cafe talking to my dad all afternoon and evening it was great.

I crept to the railing on the stairs and noticed a lot of blood smeared all over the wooden floorboards.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered trying to calm myself down, my heart rate was probably so high right now. I was terrified.

I ran over to Jungkook's room and opened the door slowly expecting him to be asleep, but he wasn't in his bed, he wasn't in his room either. The next room I checked was Taehyung's and again nobody was there.

I breathed a few times and prepared myself to go downstairs, I slowly took the first few steps easily until my legs shook like crazy. The blood was now more noticeable.

I heard a lot of racketing noise from the basement. Is this how I die? I had watched too many horror films to know I should not go down there.

Before I could even think again, I was already walking towards the basement door. I was debating on asking if anyone was down there but that would be a stupid thing to do, what if it wasn't any of the boys? What if it was a trap?

I heard a scream of pain, it frightened me when I heard the familiar voice letting out a piercing scream.

"Shh, it's okay."

I ran down the rest of the steps and walked past a cellar type of room? That must have been where they kept Sam. I opened a white door, and it led me to a medical room. This was strange, It's amazing what big houses hide.


I gasped and turned around, Jin stood there with blood all over him, I backed away from him until I hit the wall.

"It's not what it looks like," he tried to calm me down as I was now uncontrollably shaking.

"Lydia, please look at me, you are shaking."

"Why are you covered in blood? who is screaming? What is going on?" I yelled.


My head moved to the side where I heard my name being called. I looked back to Jin as I noticed him cleaning his hands.

"There was an attack on us from Nathaniel and Sam, Yoongi went out and Jungkook followed behind him. They attacked Yoongi, he has a massive wound next to his heart. He is lucky they missed it," Jin whispered.

Jungkook, Jungkook went?

"Jungkook... is he okay," I panicked.

"He is fine, he is with Namjoon taking care of something... come, let's check up on Yoongi." He put his hand on my back and we both walked over to the bed that was hidden behind a curtain. Jin opened them and my heart broke for him. He looked so weak.

"How fast will he heal?" I asked Jin.

"He'll be better by sunrise, I've just fed him some blood, he should start healing fast."

I turned back to look at Yoongi "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like shit," he mumbled.

I chuckled at his response and moved his hair out of his face, "You should be more careful next time."

Yoongi attempted to roll his eyes, "Sorry mother."

Jin laughed at Yoongi's comment and walked away to check up on everyone else, "Why don't you go back to bed, you heard Jin... I will be fine in the morning," he demanded.

I shook my head, "I don't want to."

I found a small bowl and walked to the taps and filled it with lukewarm water, I got a towel from the side and cleaned the blood from Yoongi.

"Does that hurt?" I asked, rubbing the towel over his chest.

"No, it's fine."

I continued cleaning his blood from him until I heard soft snores, I looked up and he was sound asleep.

I stood up and left him in peace to sleep. As I was about to walk out of the basement, I bumped into Jungkook and Namjoon talking.

Namjoon looked at me sadly as Jungkook looked angry.

"Lydia... we have to tell you something."

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