Chapter Forty-Seven: Forgotten

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Today was the day my mum was coming back from her trip, she had phoned me last night telling me that all the work was done and she wasn't going anywhere else for a while now.

I was glad, not only for my sake but for hers. We could now finally spend some time together without having to say goodbye the next day.

My phone pinged, and it showed a text from my mum.

'Just boarding the plane, I will see you soon'

I was just doing my daily morning routine and got ready for school, I didn't want to stay off any longer because I was scared about exams, I needed to pass my classes.

Walking to school the weather was getting colder each day, I had to make sure I wrapped up extra warm. I grabbed my gloves from my bag and zipped it back up, I put my gloves on and rubbed my hands together to try to warm them up.

I had left for school early, so I went to the cafe I went with Jimin yesterday and got myself a hot chocolate to keep myself warm on the way to school. I gave the man my money, and I put my change back in my bag. He handed me my hot chocolate, "Have a nice day," he says, waving goodbye.

"You too," I said opening the door and closed it afterwards. I walked past the stores watching them open, getting ready for today's business.

I walked along the street minding my business as the street got a little busy until I reached the main road.

Without paying attention I bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry," I panicked looking up, I noticed it was Jimin.

"Hey Jimin, I'm sorry," I apologise.

Jimin shook his head "No need to apologise, wasn't paying attention myself, how are you? I haven't seen you in ages."

"Huh?" Surely Jimin was only joking?

"Jimin we literally went to that cafe yesterday, stop joking," I playfully punched his chest as he stares at me with a blank expression.

"Jimin?" I worriedly asked.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Lydia, I didn't go out yesterday," Jimin slowly said.

"You told me about Adelia and Jungkook? And about Jin?" Jimin seems to look around as he itches his arm.

"I think you were dreaming, Lydia. That did not happen last night... wait, how did you know Adelia was back?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did he suddenly change to a different person overnight? Why couldn't he remember being with me last night?

Jimin sighed, "I have to go, I will see you around." He vanished into the crowd of people not turning back once to look at me, a few seconds later he is gone insight.

I turned the other way and started my journey to school again, I checked the time and it was 9:10 am, my eyes widened as I realised I was late. Just great!

I sprinted to school carefully running past everyone in my way, I quickly walked down the hall, I had history again this period. Was I looking forward to it? No.

My back was already hurting with all of these books, I didn't have time to put them in my locker.

I walked into class and noticed everyone writing, "Sorry, I'm late," I said rushing to my seat. Not one person looked up, they all stared at their paper.

"Miss Smith, detention," Nathaniel says, I huffed as he came up to me and gave me a piece of paper that said 'detention' written on it.

I read the writing below and it was after school. "Fuck" I whispered to myself, Nathaniel seemed to look back up to me as I frowned, I hated this school so much.

"Is there a problem, Lydia?" He asks putting his pen down. I looked back to the paper then him, "Is there a chance that I could do detention at lunch instead of after school?" I asked.

Nathaniel shook his dead, "No, detention after school!" He strictly said picking back up his pen and continued writing.

I started cursing even more. I prayed he heard me, I hated him. He could have easily given me a warning since this was my first time being late in his class. I grabbed my pen and notebook and wrote today's date on the top corner.

After that, I looked around the class looking to see who to ask on what to do but this class was too silent for my own liking.

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