Seventy-Two: Wanting Answers

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I made my way back downstairs while holding onto my stomach, my brain couldn't progress how my wound is now almost healed after it being a fatal disaster.

Yoongi had spotted me gripping onto myself, he raised a concern and ran towards me.

"Lydia, are you okay?" He panicked.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

I walked past him and slowly sat on the couch. What was wrong with me?

"Namjoon, Lydia is acting weird!" I had heard Yoongi shout in the background, and moments later Namjoon was at my side.

"Hey, Lydia, what's wrong?" He asked as I shook.

"M-my wound, it's almost healed," I stuttered.

"That's good," Namjoon cheered, "No! You don't get what I mean, it's almost healed, it's almost at the stage that it will leave a scar."

Namjoon frowned, "What?" He reached for me to take his hand, I took it and he led me to his office.

"If it's not too much to ask, do you mind letting me see?"

I instantly lifted the hoodie I was wearing revealing my stomach, Namjoon knelt to examine me.

"Impossible," he whispered, he gently touched my wound with his finger "Did that hurt?" He asked, I shook my head, "No."

Namjoon then stood up, "Wait here, I need to get Jin," he then left me in his office alone. I was scared. What was going on?

Namjoon soon came back with Jin by his side, "I'm telling you Jin, this is highly impossible for her to heal that fast... unless," Namjoon said staring at Jin, not daring to look at me.

Jin had got what he meant. He made his way in front of me as I lifted my hoodie back up to expose my stomach again to Jin this time.

"As you said Namjoon, this is not normal for a human to heal this fast," he turned to look back at me.

"Lydia, have you just been with Jungkook lately, did you see anyone else?" Jin asked me.

"No, just Jungkook. I had seen the other guys obviously, but it was just a small hi and that's it," I explained.

"I think I know what has happened but don't think of it as a bad thing, I will explain everything to you later when I have talked with Jungkook," Namjoon told me.

"Okay?" I was highly confused at this point, why couldn't he just tell me now?

"I will see you soon, okay?" He opened the door for me, and I walked out. I walked back to my room and noticed myself in the mirror as my hair looked a mess. I grabbed my hairdryer and dried my hair and applied a facemask that was on my table.

I tried to pass by time by going on my phone and watching youtube, but the time seemed to go by slowly which annoyed me, I just wanted answers.

Time passed by and nobody came to talk to me. My hunger had gone. I didn't feel like eating right out. I yawned, closing my eyes, trying to take a nap for that to get ruined by Jungkook cursing at the top of his lungs.


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