Chapter Twenty-Five: Mr Williams

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During class, it was like how it was on my first day. Everyone would pay attention, nobody would move an inch. It was strange.

The bell had rung, telling us to go to the next period, I gathered my notes together and said goodbye to Beth and finally headed to the library.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out and noticed I had 1 notification from my mum:

'Lydia, come home straight away tonight as I have invited Mr Johnston over for dinner, you need to help me.'

"Oh, shit," I mumbled, he was coming to my house. I put my stuff down on a table and headed to sign in at the desk, I wrote my name and where I was sitting and walked back to my table.

I finally got the motivation to do some work, I walked to the English department and found Mr William's classroom.

"Miss Smith, you are back!" Mr Williams took off his glasses, looking at me surprised.

"Oh... yeah, sorry I have been off, can you give me notes or anything to do? I'm in the library and I want to catch up as much as I can." I stayed behind the door so nobody in the class could spot me.

"Of course! Hold on-" He turns to the class and tells them to start their work.

"Follow me, Lydia," he says walking out of the classroom. I followed him and we ended up in a room full of filing cabinets and paperwork everywhere.

"This is where we keep testing papers," he says flicking through all of the papers on the table.

"You don't have to apologise you know." Mr Williams looks up as I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I know the reason you refused to come to school, I'm just saying don't worry, nobody will hurt you." I took a step back.

"Anyway, here," he hands me a small booklet, "Start from page 7 and work your way through it, it should be easy enough, hand it to me when you have me next, I will mark it." I take the booklet and thanked him.

"Oh, and Lydia one more thing-" I turned back around.

"Don't be frightened, we can sense it easily, and that's what makes your blood become a target for most of us." My eyes widened.

"Uh, okay I won't," I made my pace a lot faster. I was almost jogging back to the library, I was not looking forward to walking back home.

When I got back to the library, I got my notebook out and started on my English book, Mr Williams was right, it was easy. I finished 4 pages, and then the bell rang.

Lunch came fast, Mia, Beth and Nelly and I sat together.

"So, Lydia, how was your talk with Jungkook?" Nelly questions biting into her lunch.

"The conversation I had with him when you girls were there or yesterday?"

They all choked, "Wait! You were with him yesterday?" Mia asked, I nodded my head as they all let out a squeal, "How did I not know about this?" Beth asked.

I shrugged, "Scarp the day we were there, what did you both do yesterday?" Mia asked.

"Jungkook just picked me up, and we went for breakfast. We then went to sit on a hill and believe it or not he opened up to me. He told me all about Adelia from when they met to how she died." They were all shocked.

"He told you that all in one day?" Nelly gasped.

"He is crazy, I can tell," Mia says fixing her hair.

"Shut up," I laughed.

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