Chapter Seventy-Nine: The Next Day...

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"Yoongi, can I talk to you for a second?" He looked over and walked towards me.

I had to tell someone what happened last night, I can't keep this to myself. This was the second time I had tried to compel her and both times it never worked.

This never happened to me before. Why won't it work on her?

"What is it?" Yoongi questioned, I looked around to see if anyone was near. Yoongi raised his eyebrow and let out a cough, "I'm busy, Namjoon wants me to check around town, hurry and tell me!"

"Lydia came to my room last night an-"

"She what?!" He yelled.

"No, don't shout, listen to me!" I begged, he nodded for me to continue.

"I told her to leave but she wouldn't listen, so I compelled her."

Yoongi frowned, "Right? So what's the problem?"

I sighed, "Yoongi, it never worked, just like when she arrived, I tried to calm her down by compulsion and it never worked."

"So, you think something is wrong with her?"

I walked Yoongi to the front door and walked outside with him towards the front gates.

"I honestly don't know, I don't get how it never worked."

We came to a stop as Yoongi opened the gate.

"You are best to tell Namjoon, not me. I have to go," he quickly ran down the street doing the order Namjoon gave him.

I couldn't tell Namjoon, I just couldn't. He would be so mad we both went against his orders, he would let Lydia off lightly, but me? I couldn't imagine it.

What was I going to do now?

I made it back into my room, pacing back and forth, thinking about what I should do. My thoughts got interrupted by knocks on my door, I instantly knew it was Lydia.

I made my way to the door and quickly opened it. This must-have frightened Lydia as she jumped back a little.

"Sorry." I apologised, I opened the door more widely to let her in.

"So, what did you want to ask me?"

"Why did you give me your blood?" She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"It was my fault you got hurt, I wanted to fix it. I didn't mean to gross you out, I knew the consequences of you having blood in your system but you are safe with us," I promised.

Lydia sighed and nodded, "Why are you now being nice to me? When Adelia came back you lied and don't say you never because I was there that day. When you were at the treehouse with her!" She argued.

I was left speechless, it was like a dagger went through my heart. She heard everything.

"Listen, whatever you heard I didn't mean it, Adelia had compelled me and the boys. What I said was only said to make her happy. I thought I was getting my old life back, but the realisation came to me and she wasn't the one for me anymore. After what Sam told Namjoon I feel like a weight has lifted from my chest and I can finally live my long life again without feeling sorrow," I explained.

"I understand that, but I just feel you used me, we were friends then you kissed me? And then I don't know, I wanted to tell you but it was too late because of Adelia," she stressed.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Ever since we started doing fun activities and going places... I don't know, I just had a really good time, I missed you when you were with her. I don't know I-" Lydia rambled on until I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers. She took it by surprise but kissed me back, I felt myself smirk as she pulled away.

"The truth is Lydia, I like you. Since I first saw your existence at the party, at first, I had a feeling you were Adelia but then I got to know you, the real you and you are Lydia," I confessed.

I could hear her heartbeat pace, "I like you too," she said as her face went bright red.

"I have to go, I have Taehyung's chores to do, I will see you later," she said, standing up and exiting my room.

I felt the world stop when I spoke to her. Maybe after all Adelia wasn't my 'True Love' ...It was Lydia.

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