Chapter Sixty-Six: Fear

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"Do you smell that boys?"

Sam sniffed the air, smelling the intoxicating smell.

"Fear, her fear," he growled leaning against me again. I tried to look at the boys for help but the tears in my eyes blurred my vision.

"I said, get the fuck off her!" I heard Jungkook yell. I tried my best to push him off but he had me pinned to the bed by his grip.

"How have you guys not drank her dry yet? She smells amazing," Sam said again. He now looked vicious, it scared me a lot.

I heard more footsteps coming into the room, I looked over and noticed everyone was in here. Jungkook came running over to the bed and forced him off me, I felt the heaviness on my chest disappear as I breathed normally again.

"Pin him against the wall," Namjoon ordered.

Yoongi and Jimin grabbed him off Jungkook and held both sides of him so he couldn't escape, Namjoon put the room light on as he cleared his throat.

"What are you doing here?" Namjoon asked.

"What does it look like? I'm going to kill your precious human."

I heard Jungkook growl looking from him to me, I sat on my bed shaking in fear watching everyone Infront of me in full attacking mode.

"She is innocent, she doesn't deserve any of this!" Namjoon angrily yelled.

Sam stopped trying to resist and stood facing us all laughing, "She is the reason my daughter is dead."

I was now sick of hearing that, I don't know where all my courage came from, but I fought back.

"And you are the reason my mum is dead!" I yelled.

Namjoon turned back facing me. He raised his eyebrow not wanting to believe me.

"He killed your mother?" Namjoon pointed to Sam, I nodded.

"And she was the best thing I ever had and soon you will be next," Sam tried to move closer to me, but he was then pulled back by force.

"Boys take him to the cells in the basement for me please, I will have a talk with him in the morning, make sure he doesn't escape. I want one of you guarding him." Namjoon demanded as Yoongi and Jimin left with Sam.

"You will never be safe!" Sam yelled being dragged along the hallway.

"I'm so sorry Lydia, I truly am. I will question him tomorrow. Jungkook, I want you to stay with Lydia, so she's safe." Namjoon ordered.

Namjoon soon left us both while everyone cleared the room, leaving me and Jungkook alone. Jungkook said nothing to me yet, just like in the hospital... he stayed silent.

I felt awkward just standing waiting for him to talk to me, so I went back over to my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep, but it was just so impossible, my brain just kept thinking about Sam.

I felt the covers move, I realised Jungkook had finally snapped out of it and wanted to sleep. I tried to clear my mind and count sheep like I did when I was younger to try bore myself to sleep. But nothing worked.

I felt Jungkook's arm go around my waist as he pulled me against him. Thank god, he couldn't see my face right now. I felt him snuggle into my neck, I suddenly felt relaxed, my body was now begging to fall asleep.

The last thing I heard was Jungkook mumbling, "Namjoon is right, you don't deserve this."

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