Chapter Twenty-Two: Flashback PT.3

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"Yes, I will!" She yelled, throwing herself onto me and clasping me into a tight hug

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"Yes, I will!" She yelled, throwing herself onto me and clasping me into a tight hug.

"I love you," I say in between kissing her.

"I love you more."

"Impossible," I grinned. I took her hand, and we headed back to tell everyone about the great news. Namjoon got Adelia and her family a house close to my one. It was only a few streets away. We went to see her family first, Adelia walks in, and notices her dad writing perhaps to do with his business. We both walked in and smiled at him.

"Father, I have some wonderful news!" Adelia says, "Jungkook and I are engaged."

Sam immediately looked up and dropped what he was doing. He ran and gave us a big hug "Welcome to the family, son," he patted my back.

"I'm so happy for you both, finally my baby girl is growing up." Sam wipes a tear from Adelia's face.

"Tell your brother, he will be thrilled."

After we told her brother, I took my leave back to my house and told her I would come get her tomorrow.

I was now almost home, I had to tell my brothers myself, they will be pleased.

"Guys!" I shouted. Everyone came running into the living room.

"I asked her," I smiled.

"Asked her, what?" Jimin asked.

"I asked Adelia to marry me." Suddenly, everyone started cheering "Please tell me she said yes!" Jin shouted.

"She did!" He clapped, running up and hugged me.

"The youngest is doing it better than the rest of us," Yoongi said with a smirk.

Everyone congratulated me, I couldn't be happier. I went to my room and went straight to my bed and got under my covers.

looking up at the ceiling. I heard the front door shut, I'm guessing that some boys are going hunting. I turned over and shut my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

That was the mistake I should never have done. That was when the worst came to worst

I jerked awake to loud screaming noises from outside. It sounded like a woman in pain. I looked outside of my window and noticed nothing suspicious. I put some clothes on and walked out of my room seeing my brothers had done the same thing, "What was that?" I asked.

"We don't know, we didn't want to disturb you, we will check it out." Namjoon replied.

"I am coming." I grabbed my jacket, and we all followed the screaming. After 2 minutes, we noticed a woman shaking in front of the church. She noticed us and shakily pointed to a big group of people as they were surrounding the cause of this incident.

I looked over at Namjoon as he frowns, he was the first to lead us to the crowd. Namjoon pushed in front of everyone as his face went pale white.

"Jungkook, go home now." He orders, I looked at him confused, "Why?" I questioned.

"Please... Jimin, Taehyung, please get him and take him home, that's an order!" I felt their hands on both of my wrists as I fought them off.

"Stop it, let me see what this is about." I pushed Namjoon out the way as my stomach turned. I fell to my knees as I struggled to make anything out.

It was Adelia and her brother's bodies covered in blood. My temper was rising as I scanned the crowd and noticed a man with blood all over his hands. I got up as Namjoon and Yoongi tried to hold me back, "You!" I pointed at him. I grabbed him by the throat, "What did you do?" I screamed as my voice cracked.

"It was an accident I swear, I thought they were the people after me. I swear it was an accident." He choked.

I turned around and carefully picked Adelia up, I took her body around the corner as I examined her, she had stab wounds all over her stomach. I heard faint breathing coming from her.

"Jungkook," she chokes out.

"My love, I am here," I rubbed her arm.

Tears ran down her face as she tried to put on a brave face for me. I let the tears run down my face watching her slowly die in front of me, "I have to save you, Adelia I'm sorry," I said as I held her in my arms.

"Jungkook, it will be too late, please just let me go, we will meet each other again in a different lifetime. I promise, we will be together again." She smiles as she closes her eyes for the last time.

Without thinking, I moved her hair out of the way and bit into her neck. After I had stopped, the faint breathing had gone, she went stone cold. I looked at her hoping she would wake up, but she never did. I picked her up and laid her on some hay that was on the street.

After that, all I remembered was seeing red and hearing screams of horror, "You will pay, you will all pay for taking her away from me." I bit into his neck ripping all his flesh out. Once I knew he was dead, I moved on to other people, I didn't care at this point.

After I was done for the night, I wandered about the town barely focusing.

"Jungkook!" I turned around noticing it was Jimin and Hosoek.

"What?" I hiccupped.

"Come back home and rest, we will give her and her brother a proper burial tomorrow but for now, you need to come home," Jimin says as Hosoek frowned.

"We are sorry for your loss Jungkook, she was a beautiful girl."

I looked down and followed them home, I was looking at my hands the whole time they were tinted red from all of the blood.

I walked into the house and noticed Sam on the couch with tear stains on his face.

"I offered to turn him, and he accepted, he was in a state I couldn't handle," Namjoon says. "We are just waiting for him to wake up," Jin sighed.

I looked from Sam to the rest of the boys, I felt tears coming along again, and I ran up to my room and slammed the door. That's when it all started from that point.

It was now 1950. We remained in Dungrove. When Sam woke up, he went on a rampage and turned many people into vampires and I joined him, I felt alive.

My hunger still grew every single day since she died, Namjoon took over the town and took over all the vampires as their leader. If they didn't follow his rules, he would simply kill them.

Humans disappeared each night, did I care? No. I never cared about anything, I enjoyed watching people beg for their life, begging for mercy.

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