Chapter Twenty-One: Flashback PT.2

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A few months later, we got to know each other

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A few months later, we got to know each other. It is April 26th, 1848. She knew everything about me including my darkest secret. I was for sure madly in love with Adelia.

My brothers had met her and they loved her, they already thought of her as family. I had met her father from time to time, he was a businessman just like me. He had accepted us together, telling me to call him Sam.

The past few weeks Namjoon had been offered a transfer with his business and he took it. We har to move into a new town named 'Dungrove' I was now on my way to see Adelia tell her the news.

"My love." I say, kissing her forehead.

"I have news to share," I sighed, "I am moving town and I want you to come with me."

Adelia froze, "But what about father and my brother?" She worriedly asked, "I can't lose them."

I stood for a second and thought, "You can all come! How about that?" I say as she smiles widely at me.

After I went to see her father and brother explain the situation, they agreed! Sam wanted to see his only daughter happy.

Adelia ran up and kissed me, "Now we won't be far away from each other." I hugged her smelling her scent. It was so sweet.

"Come, I will help you get your belongings together, I will send a carriage tomorrow at dawn to come to pick you and your family up."

I went to help her pack as she looked exhausted, "Sleep now my beloved, I will see you tomorrow." I kissed her and watched her fall into slumber on her bed.

The next day was a rush, Jin had woken us all up before sunrise to have a dose of blood to keep us going for a while. We were moving to a different town meaning we can't be caught, we needed a good reputation.

I could not hold my excitement to see my Adelia. We made sure we had everything we needed and made our journey to Dungrove.

When we arrived, we noticed Adelia waiting for us with her family.

"You made it," I grinned as I kissed her.

"Of course!" She giggled.

"Why don't we walk around and see what this town is like?" I offered my arm as she took it.

"Let's go."

We headed down a hill, and it led us to a church. A few people praying outside noticed us as we smiled and continued our walk. We noticed a tall building with a sign on it, I looked over and noticed it read 'Town Hall.'

"Nice." Adelia smiled looking around, "It is nothing like the last town we lived in."

I agreed, "Yeah this looks like a better town to stay in," I felt happier with her.

We stopped at a field filled with many flowers, "Let's stop here for a break, you must rest your legs."

Adelia sat down on the dry grass as we admired the beauty of this town, "I can really see me and you living here together in the future, owning a house and living a dream."

I smiled, "And what about children?" I asked.

"That would make my life even more complete." She smiled.

"Well, Adelia, can I ask you something?" I confidently questioned.

She nodded her head, "Of course, you can, you can ask me anything."

I took her hands into mine and looked her in the eyes.

"Marry me?"

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