Chapter Ninety-Nine: Never Forget You

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We all made it to the 'Welcome to Dungrove' sign."

I looked around as Lucas and Lydia must have not caught up with us yet. I left my trail so Lucas could follow our lead.

We all came to a stop deep into the woods as we sat and waited for Lucas and Lydia to arrive which didn't take them long, they both arrived with Lydia looking traumatised.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jimin ask Lydia. She let out her breath she was holding in and nodded, I smiled lightly at her as they all turned their attention to me.

"Let's get this done," Lucas mumbled.

Everyone looked confused, I still never told them all. After all, Lucas and I planned this out only hours ago.

"What are we doing here? Are we fleeing to another town? Moving to a new country? Are we not fighting them?" Yoongi asked.

"I will answer them all soon, but for now our main priority here is Lydia," I said.

"What's happening then? You have to tell us something Namjoon!" Jin shouted.

I looked down, then back to Lydia.

"Lydia," Lucas softly says placing his hand on hers, "Go to Namjoon," he let out.

Everyone stood and watched, this had to be done.

She made her way to me and stood a foot away from me, I walked a little closer to her and stared into her eyes as she never looked away from mine.

"Lydia. I want you to forget everything. I want you to forget this town, I want you to forget us, I want you to forget Jungkook, Beth, just everyone who you've contacted. You will move with your dad and never come back, this will be for your safety."

She stood not moving in a trance, I looked at everyone as their jaws dropped. "You can't do this," Jin began sobbing, "Lydia is like a sister to me, you can't do this." He begged falling onto the floor.

"It has been done, it's for her own good."

"What about when Jungkook finds out about this? He will rage again!" Yoongi shouted.

"He won't, we will talk him through it, there was a piece of paper on the other page of the book I was reading. Mates can come and go, if one dies there could be a chance for a second one. Jungkook could get a second chance even with Lydia far away, I know you will all miss her including me, but this is for her safety."

"Then why don't you just turn her?" Jimin snapped.

"I would if we weren't in this damn fight with Sam and Nathaniel. We can't put her anywhere for her to transition, it will be too dangerous. They would easily find her and kill her!" I argued.

I looked back to see Lydia still standing in a trance, "Just let me say goodbye," Jin's voice cracked.

He slowly moved towards Lydia and kissed her head, "I hope Jungkook's next mate will be as pretty as you, I will miss you so much, I'll never forget you." He slowly walked away wiping his tears as everyone watched with sadness.

"Okay, let's go save this town," I sighed trying my best to walk away. Everyone stared at Lydia then ran away to help everyone in town to fight off Nathaniel and Sam.

Before I ran with them, I looked back to Lucas as Lydia was now passed out on the ground.

He began crying to himself, I knew he regretted this decision.

"Take care of her, you will now get to see what parenthood is like."

Lucas smiled slightly, "Thank you for all the help. It was a pleasure meeting everyone, thank you for looking after my daughter."

"We loved every moment we shared with her, I best catch up with them all."

Lucas slowly nodded and turned his attention back on Lydia who was now in his arms. I smiled and ran off for the final time, not looking back.

I ran and ran, with flashbacks from when I had first met Lydia, when Jungkook showed me her on his bed to when we all got introduced to her. She made our lives happy, but now I guess everything will change from now on.

It will be a lot different without her, for sure.

I watched them all fight from a far distance until I noticed Yoongi standing watching them all too.

"Are they gone?" Yoongi sighed.

"They are, it's what's best after all. She'll be fine, she has her dad," I nudged him.

"True, I just hope she grows up and just spends her life like every day is her last. She truly opened a bright light into mine, I'm grateful Jungkook brought her into our family."

"You never know, you could find your mate," I smirked.

Yoongi chuckled, "I doubt I will. but if that day comes, I'd be happy," Yoongi stood smiling to himself.

"Now let's go, we have a fight to win."

We ambushed into the crowd of people disappearing from each other's sights, settling this war once and for all.

The End


I decided to stop it here because I felt like this book was getting a bit long. But, there will be a Book 2!

I want to quickly thank everyone who has read, voted, commented on 'After 12' I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed the first book as much as I loved writing it.

Ily all <3

Ily all <3

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