Chapter Sixteen: I Have Missed You!

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"Mum!" I yelled entering the house, I noticed all of her suitcases everywhere

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"Mum!" I yelled entering the house, I noticed all of her suitcases everywhere. I smiled, she is back! I spotted her walking downstairs, I ran to her and hugged her tight.

"Gosh Lydia, what is up with you? You never hug me," she laughed.

"I have missed you so much! Why did you not text or call? I was trying almost every day!" I cried.

"I was super busy! But I got you something, let's watch a movie and also, I will tell you what I did for the past 2 weeks."

"Sounds good to me," I shrugged, I ran to the kitchen and made some popcorn while my mum got some blankets for us both.

I lay on the couch waiting for her to return to the living room.

"Here's what I got you, ain't it pretty?" I sat up and held my hand out. She put it in my hand and
I noticed it was a small key chain, it was glittery and had London written in bold.

I loved collecting things from different countries since every country is different in its unique way.

"Okay, so when we got off the plane we lost one of our cases and Mr Johnston stayed behind to find it. He told me to head over to the hotel we were staying in and oh my gosh Lydia, it was massive. I sat and admired everything I was scared to touch anything, it would have cost my life." She joked.

"Mr Johnston soon arrived, and I'm not sure, but he seemed kind of odd to me? I'm not sure it could have been the lack of sleep, but I noticed stains on his shirt," I choked on my popcorn, I was fucking right, he was one of them.

"Did he do anything to you?" My heart raced.

"No, he didn't, why ask that?" She frowned.

I laughed it off like it was nothing, "Oh, you know, just being protective of my old mother."

"Hey! I'm not old!"

"Whatever you say." I continued eating my popcorn until I noticed I had finished my last one.

"So, anyway, I was about to call you but we had to head straight to the meeting, and it was chaotic. My hand had never felt so much pain writing all the ideas they shared." She sighed looking at her wrist... I noticed 2 small holes going into a bruise.

"Oh, did you do that in the meeting?" I asked, with a worried face as she nods.

"Yeah... I must have been leaning against the table for too long, and it's now bruised me."

I panicked because of the bruises, it looked exactly like the ones on my neck... Why would she lie to me or did he make her forget?

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