Chapter Sixty-Five: Home

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"Watch your step, that's it."

Namjoon let me go and I carefully sat on the couch. I had just left the hospital, I got told to rest so that's what I'm planning on doing.

"Welcome home, Lydia!" I heard Jimin shout from the top of the stairs, he came down and gave me a small side hug, "Thank you!" I smiled at him.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, you can pick."

I looked around the living room, nobody was here apart from Jimin.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are probably away hunting," Jimin said flicking through movies.

"I thought you didn't hunt on humans?"

"We don't. They are hunting animal blood, if our blood runs out from the fridge we go to the woods until Jin stocks up."

I nodded, understanding him, "Nice?" I tried to reply, but I was lost for words.

We both heard a door open, I looked behind me and saw Namjoon come out of his office, "Paperwork is complete," he cheered.

"Long day?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded, "I had phone calls, I picked you up and that damn paperwork," he said rubbing his eyes.

"At least you can relax for now."

Namjoon agreed and sat down next to me and Jimin. "How long does it take for you to pick a movie?" I complained.

"Hey, it takes time," Jimin huffed, I rolled my eyes chuckling.

I shifted my body to get more comfortable, I was now facing Namjoon. We spoke for a bit until I heard everyone come back, "Lydia, you are back!" I heard them all shout.

"Are you hungry? Do you want any food? I can make you something?" Jin asked, running to me.

"Boys clear the air, we got her back, we can't have her going back to hospital for loss of oxygen," Namjoon announces, shooing them away.

"Jin, I would love for you to make me something."

"Omelette?" Jin offers.

"Sounds great."

Jimin had lost interest in finding a movie, he had fallen asleep with the remote in his hands. I tried my best to stand up without hurting myself, I groaned as I felt a shooting pain slide up my side.

I stood normally and slowly walked over to the kitchen, "What are you doing standing? Rest! Go sit down." Jin demanded.

"I'm just hungry," I complained.

"Okay, sit down it'll be ready in a minute."

I spoke to Jin about how his day. He told me he had been tidying and making up the spare room to be my room. He gave me my omelette as we talked.

When I finished, I handed the plate over to Jin and he put it in the sink. I got up from the chair and we both walked past the living room, I grabbed onto the railings as it helped me gain strength to push myself further upstairs.

I took a deep breath when I got to the very last step, Jin was behind me supporting me if I slipped.

"It's on the right," he said behind me, I turned right and followed that hallway. Jin then went in front of me as we walked by some open rooms.

We both came to a stop, Jin opened the door in front of him. I was amazed. It was gorgeous! I could tell they tried to make it as modern for me as possible, I loved it.

"Do you like it?"

"I don't like it, I love it."

This caused Jin to smile like he had achieved something, I was proud of him. I wandered around the room and gazed over everything, I couldn't believe this was my room.

"I will leave you to look around and have a sleep," Jin said while closing the door. Once I was alone, I searched the drawers, they had my things in them? How?

I walked over to the bed and got under the covers, the bed was so comfortable. So much better than the hospital. Without thinking anymore more I stumbled into slumber, finally getting the sleep I deserved.


I was awoken by a loud gust of wind coming from my window, I swear the window was shut when I walked in here. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read that it was 2 am, I got up and shut my window making sure it was locked.

I crawled back into bed and tried my best to fall asleep again until I heard the floor creak. I opened my eyes as a shadow stood in front of me. I tried to let out a scream, but the person put their hand over my mouth.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," I heard them bend down and whisper in my ear, the voice... it couldn't be.

Suddenly the lamp beside me turned on. I tried to let out another scream seeing Sam in my room. He looked so different, his eyes were piercing red as he just watched me.

He bent down even more now face to face with me, tears flowed down my face as I panicked.

"You know Lydia, I haven't had blood since I killed your mother," he said crouching down more, sniffing my neck.

I shook my head pleading for him to leave me alone, "You have no idea how much I want to rip your head off and kill you right now," he gritted his teeth.

"I lost my family because of you, you should die," his other hand went to my neck, choking me.

Moments after, he stopped choking me and went to my neck again, I felt his tongue on my neck as I shivered, I wanted him off me as I desperately gasped for air.

He looked back up at me, I noticed his fangs were out. He hissed as I realised his hand wasn't on my mouth, I let out a terrified scream.

The boys never took long to hear me as my door bursts open revealing Namjoon and Jungkook running in noticing Sam on top of me.

"Get the fuck off her!"

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