Chapter Seventy-Seven: Decorating

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"I want to put the star on the tree," Jimin whined.

"But you always do it, it's my turn!" Taehyung yelled. We were all decorating the house. I dumped all of my bags in my room and Hoseok had got the Christmas Tree from wherever they kept it.

Jimin and Taehyung were arguing about who wanted to put the star on top of the tree, I had to admit... this was very entertaining. I glanced over to Jungkook to see him laughing along with everyone, 6 more days and I can finally talk to him. I had so many questions to ask.

"Boys, I think we should let Lydia and Beth put the star up, what do you girls think?" Namjoon said.

We both moved closer, and I took the star from Jimin, "We would be happy to do it," Beth grinned at Taehyung.

They both sighed as we took one side each and stood on a stool to reach, the perks of being small.

We put the star on the tree and Jin switched the lights on, the whole tree lit up as it shined. It was so beautiful.

I stared at it in amazement, I loved it, all our effort put into this was so worth it. Jin then put the fireplace on. This house now transformed into its little winter wonderland, who knew these boys were so festive.

After that, Jin went into the kitchen to start dinner. Beth and I went to my room and we emptied all of my shopping bags onto my bed, "Damn, no wonder your arms were hurting," Beth said while looking at everything.

We collected all of the clothes I bought for myself and put them in my wardrobe and drawers, then all that was left was Christmas presents.

"Oh, who's that for?" Beth stared at a bag, I playfully hit her arm, "Hey, no looking!" I yelled quickly grabbing it and chucking the bag under my bed.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she giggled.

I got the wrapping paper I bought and started wrapping Hoseok's gifts first. I picked up the hoodie I bought him and took the tags off. I then folded it and placed it on the wrapping paper, I always sucked at wrapping, so I hope they don't expect me as a professional.

"Beth, Lydia, dinner is ready!" I heard Jin shout, we put down everything we were holding and made sure nothing looked noticeable if anyone was to walk in. I got up, as we made our way downstairs into the dining room.

"What are you both up to?" Jimin asked while sipping his red substance. Still to this day, it makes me cringe.

"Nothing... don't go in my room," I warned him, "No promises," he smirked.

Taehyung lifted his hand and smacked it across Jimin's head, "Hey, what was the for?"

"Don't go into her room!" Taehyung looked at me and winked "I got you, sister, don't worry," he went in for a high five as I did the same.

"Two against one isn't fair, someone help me," Jimin huffed.

Suddenly, I had a feeling I was getting watched, I slowly looked to my right and a few chairs down was Jungkook eyeing me. I quickly looked away as so did he, I noticed Namjoon saw what had just happened and sighed.

I mentally wanted to slap Jungkook for giving me his blood but Namjoon was right once again, he helped me.

Maybe if I went to see Jungkook in his room later, would anyone notice? Hopefully not, I just had to be careful.

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