Chapter Forty-Nine: Precious

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"Have you filled that out yet Lydia?" Nathaniel asked me. My wrist was in so much pain.

"Yes, here" I shoved it in his face as I put my bag around my back, "Okay you can go now." I nodded and put his pen on his desk. I just wanted out of this school, I wanted to rest, I was so damn tired.

I walked out the school grounds to notice a familiar car, I gazed over even more and my mum jumped out of it.

"Oh, my- Thank you," I said running up to her, I gave her a tight hug. "So, no hi! I've missed you?" She says trying to imitate my voice

"Hey! I don't sound like that," I laughed.

My mum started the car and drove off, "Here," she reaches down and gives me the aux cable.

"It's like you just read my mind," I smirked.

"Well, I carried you for 9 months I should know," she laughs to herself as I connected my phone to the car. I clicked on mine and my mum's car playlist I saved.

Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles played, I looked over to my mum as I knew she loved this song with the same amount of love I had for him.

"Breathe me in, breathe me out, I don't know if I could ever go without,

Watermelon sugar high,

Watermelon sugar high

Watermelon sugar high"

We bopped our heads along to the song as I noticed we were going a different way home.

"Why did you not take a left? I thought that was the way home?"

My mum nods, "It is, but I thought you wanted a hamster?" She said focusing on the road, to be honest. I had forgotten all about that.

We ended up at the local pet store. We walked in and looked around. There were so many cute animals here, including the fish that looked like Nemo.

We found the rodents area next to the bunny rabbits, I looked and found some signs telling you what they were in the glass cages. I took a leaflet and started reading them all. There were many types of hamsters.

I looked over to the cage and noticed they were dwarf hamsters, they were tiny. I giggled as they came out of the small house and started running around. The cage above the Dwarf hamsters was Syrian, they were much bigger but held the same amount of cuteness.

One of them caught my eye, there were 4 hamsters in this cage, 1 of them came out and grabbed a carrot. It was beautiful, it was a golden hamster, it ate the carrot peacefully until the others noticed and tried to attack it. I quickly ran and got a worker and she took care of it.

"Would I be able to adopt the golden one, please?" I asked the woman who worked here.

"Yes!" She then asked me questions about them and if I had all their needs at home which I didn't. She then took me to look at cages that would benefit the best for a Syrian.

While I was collecting what I needed, my mum paid for it, I met them all at the cash register as she carefully put the hamster in 2 boxes so it couldn't escape.

"Do you have a name yet?" The lady asks as she was scanning hamster treats, I shook my head, "No not yet, oh wait could you tell me the gender please?" I asked the worker who was passing by.

"They are all female, they were checked this morning," she smiled as I thanked her.

On the way home I felt her trying to bite her way through the cardboard, I giggled at her as I was searching for names online, I had no idea what to call her.

When we got home, my mum quickly built the cage and we made it cosy for her, I placed her in the cage and she quickly hid away from us. I laughed at her, she was so precious! Wait... that's it. Precious will be her name.

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