Chapter Thirty-Nine: You've Got This!

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Today was the worst day ever, it was so boring without any of my friends. I tried to text them, and nobody would answer, not even Mia.

I was home now and very bored. I tried texting Jungkook to see if he wanted to come over and binge-watch Stranger Things again. It was fun having his company I enjoyed it. My mum wouldn't shut up after he left, I had finally admitted to her I had some feelings for him.

I got up and went to my room to quickly change into more comfortable clothes, I then tied my hair up in a bun to get it out of my face, I looked like a mess, but nobody was there, so, I didn't care.

I heard my phone ring from downstairs, my mind instantly thought it was Jungkook to say he was coming over. I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed my phone, I was smiling like an idiot, but that soon faded as it was only my mum.

"Hey, mum."

"Lydia, finally! What took you so long to answer?"

"I was just getting changed," I sighed.

"How was school? Did you hang out with Jungkook? What's going on?" She questioned, I let out another sigh as I changed the subject quickly.

"How is Italy?" I questioned.

"It's beautiful Lydia, I have got to take you here one day, you would love it- wait, hold on I will facetime you."

She ends the call and moments later my phone rang again showing my mum wants to face time. I accepted and I saw that she was sitting in her hotel room.

"Look at this view," she says as she sits her phone down, I heard her open the curtains as she picks her phone back up. The camera switches, and it was a beautiful view, could see so many amazing things, it was beautiful.

"It's so pretty," I gasped as I admired the buildings from the window.

"You got yourself lucky with this job, I tell you," I laugh.

I watched her go back to sit on her bed as she rested her phone on her pillow, "So why don't you invite your friends or Jungkook over then?" She came back to that topic.

"I don't know, I don't want to hassle them with everything that's happening in this town." I shrugged as I rested my head on my hand playing with my fluffy blanket.

"Come on, Lydia, you need to get out more! I know it's very dangerous but at least try to do something, I don't want you trapped in that house alone. Did you not ask anyone over?"

"I asked Jungkook, but he hasn't answered." My mum looked at me as she raised her eyebrow, she thought for a second as she made the biggest grin.

"Here's a thought, why don't you go to his house and ask him to hang out, and you know... maybe tell him how you feel."

"Mum, no!" I shouted.

"Come on Lydia, you never know, he could feel the same way."

I thought about it for a second, I was way too shy to do anything like that. Pushing myself, I agreed.

"Fine," I groaned.

My mum clapped her hands as she wished me the best of luck, "You've got this," she kisses the camera and waved goodbye.

"What the hell have I got myself into?" I looked outside as the sun was setting, I went back upstairs and got changed.

After I headed back outside and made my way to Jungkook's house, I felt sick, I didn't want to do this but what if my mum was right... what if he had feelings for me as well?


Lydia, you've got this!!

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