Chapter Twenty-Four: Back To School

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I groaned as I heard my alarm beep. I tried to put the alarm off, but it was almost impossible with my eyes shut.

I had finally turned it off without breaking anything, I sat up and rubbed by eyes, today was the day after hibernating for 2 weeks I'm back to school.

I got up and got dressed in a casual outfit and headed downstairs. I noticed my mum must have left for work early, so I will have to walk to school today.

I was planning on spending that time in the library catching up on some classes I know I was failing.

Noticing the time and I made my way out of the house. I locked the door with my keys and got out my earphones and plugged them into my phone and blasted my music while walking to school.

I tried my best to ignore all of the stares I was getting walking past them all.

Feeling a light tap on my shoulder,I turned around, seeing a woman who looked like she was in her early 20s stare at me, I switched my music off as I heard her talk.

"Adelia? I knew you would come back! I just wanted to say thank you...well, the whole town could thank you!" She smiled.


"Sorry, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Some of us watched you yesterday with Jungkook. He had a smile on his face, normally if he walked anywhere with anyone his face was always emotionless, Adelia you are changing him for the better, we thank you," She smiles as she walks away.

"What just happened?" I whispered to myself, what the heck? Wait, did she just call me Adelia?

"Not again." I whined, kicking some stones.

Why can't people just realise I wasn't her? Was that why I was getting stares yesterday?

I checked the time as it showed 8:55 am.

"Shit!" I screamed, I only had 5 minutes before the first bell rang. I had no idea where I got this energy from, but I ran and ran without stopping.

When I arrived at the school, I noticed people walking into the school meaning the bell had rung.

"Fuck," I mumbled, trying to calm myself down, I was so out of breath.

I walked into the school and again, I felt eyes on me everywhere, this was getting so out of hand now. I noticed a group of teens watching me from afar as Beth found me.

"Right times up, get to class now the staring can stop, thank you," Beth says to them as they hurriedly went to class.

I went to my locker and grabbed all my books and put my bag into it because I was lazy, and I didn't want to carry my bag all day. I picked up some pens and my folder.

"Hey, let's see your schedule quickly," Beth says taking it from my locker, she scans it and smiles.

"Let's go, we have history together, we are late as it is." She took my hand and we walk to the class, it wasn't far from my locker but my legs were sore from the running this morning.

Let the day begin. This should be fun.

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