Chapter 27 - "Is this really how we part ways?"

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Narrator's POV

Today was their grand day. 

The filming should start at 12; the students were required to be here just any time before noon; the TV crew was here even before 11 to set everything up and get stuff ready for when the camera's rolling; and the singer and pianist should be here extra early for eventual practice. 

Well, we can kinda skip that practice because it's already 11.45, the whole assembly hall is already filled up with students, and the Y/E/C-eyed girl is still no-damn-where to be found.

Lisa anxiously looked up at the huge audience in front of her. Sure, she's performed in front of people before, but since the start of their Youtube career, she's never once been on the stage alone again. And standing there on her own now was scary as heck.

Another great possible thing. There is a literal chance that Y/N just really ditched on her like that. After yesterday's talk, she really won't be surprised if she doesn't wanna face her again. 

The brunette couldn't believe that she actually told the Y/E/C-eyed girl that she likes her. Okay, maybe the circumstances were the furthest thing from being ideal, but wow... she really told her that, finally. It did make her feel like crap though, and she totally gets why she's so upset and mad at her, but... yeah.

At last, the backdoor burst open and came in crashing was Y/N.

"I'm sorry, I had some stuff I needed to do," she said as she tried to catch her breath.

Mr. Swane sighed loudly out of relief. It felt like he hadn't breathed properly for the last hour, holy shit. "I've been calling you the entire morning. Thank goodness you're here now."

Yeah, I saw that. I was literally watching the calling screen go off right in front of my eyes the whole morning, Y/N thought to herself. In fact, she woke up super early this morning because she's barely slept last night. Her conversation with Lisa just kept replaying inside her head and it was just giving her too much to think about. That was also the reason why she's late now, she purposefully stayed at her house till the last minute because she just really wasn't in the mood to face the brunette again for an hour or two.

The sound of hands clapping together pulled her out of her thoughts. "Okay, filming starts in a few. Go get ready," the teacher said and pushed the two girls out there in the spotlight.

Lisa and Y/N awkwardly looked at each other before glancing back to the audience, aka the entire school, who was sitting in front of them.

After a second, Lisa realized that she was actually holding the mic and quickly held it up to her mouth. "Hi, people. I'm Lisa Cimorelli from the band Cimorelli and this is Y/N Y/L/N, and today we'll be covering Someone Like You by Adele."

The filming crew gave them a thumbs up, signaling that they can start. Y/N made eye contact with Lisa and counted to four before starting the melody on the piano.

The entire school watched in silence, completely awestruck. Nobody in this room knew that the Y/E/C-eyed girl was this good at playing the piano. I mean, just a couple of months ago, she still sucked ass in playing the instrument. But now, she really could've fooled everyone into believing that she's been practicing her whole life for this moment.

Soon, Lisa's singing joined in too and the audience got so quiet that you can probably hear a pin drop here. Everyone was just that captivated and amazed.

After Y/N hit the last key on the piano, the whole assembly hall erupted in a loud round of applause. They even earned themselves a standing ovation.

Y/N and Lisa glanced at each other, surprised by the reaction but also proud over the other's performance. But then Y/N remembered back to where they were standing and stubbornly looked away again.

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