Chapter 14 - "Just take it or leave it"

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Narrator's POV

Today was one of those days again where Y/N would practice alone without Lauren.

Walking into the assembly hall, she immediately stopped paused in her tracks. There was already someone sitting behind the piano. That girl wasn't exactly playing though, she was just sitting there on the bench with her head hanging low. It was pretty safe to assume she was crying.

Y/N decided it was best to not interfere with that, so she just carefully backed away again.

As if on cue, the girl by the piano started playing again. The sounds came out really harsh, it was hearable that the person playing was pressing really hard on the keys and pretty angry. That stole the Y/E/C-eyed girl's attention again and somehow that ended up with Y/N crashing straight into the door.

Lisa stopped playing at an instant and turned to look at the source of that sound. "Y/N?"

Y/N paused with rubbing her forehead that just straight up clashed with the door and sheepishly stepped forward. "Hey."

Seeing that it was really the Y/E/C-eyed girl, she quickly wiped away her tears as she turned to hide her face away from her. "What are you doing here?"

The younger girl carefully made her way towards her. "Are you okay?"

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Y/N sat down next to the brunette on the bench and placed her hand on the piano keys. "I'm here because I always play the piano here after school. Now your turn."

"I'm fine," Lisa muttered out with as much confidence as she could find.

The Y/E/C-eyed girl sighed and turned to sit sideways, facing her completely. "What happened?"

The brunette looked up at Y/N and locked eyes with her for the first time since she's sat down. She bit her lip. "I had a fight with my mom this morning, and at school, teachers were giving me crap again. And then my friends complained about me never having time for them anymore. And also this..." she said as she pulled out her phone and showed the Y/E/C-eyed girl a random comment section from one of their videos.

Y/N took her phone and scrolled through the comments.

'That Lisa girl is so annoying and fake'

'The girl on the far right can't sing for shit'

'That girl with the dress is ugly lol, and so are the rest btw'

'Oof, i really hate liza's voice, or whatever the fuck her name is'

In conclusion, pretty much everything was mainly aimed at Lisa. The Y/E/C-eyed girl carefully glanced up at her from her phone and saw that she was looking very embarrassed. Lisa really didn't know why she told her everything, but she did. Maybe it was because it's just been bottled up for way too long and it's getting too much for her.

The brunette looked down in her lap again as tears filled her eyes.

All her life, she's felt pretty much invisible. And now that she finally feels seen, it because the entire world was giving her crap over nothing. Everything was just getting to her. She's never felt so lost, and coincidentally enough, she also had no one to talk to.

"Just so you know, everything they're saying is not true," Y/N said softly. "You're one of the most beautiful and talented people I've ever met."

Lisa glanced over at her as Y/N shot her a small smile.

"It's okay to be not fine 100% of the time. You're just human too," the Y/E/C-eyed girl added.

"Can you play me something?"

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