Chapter 25 - The Kiss

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Narrator's POV

"What's gotten you so focused?"

Lauren shifted her gaze away from the sculpture to look at her girlfriend. They've been dating for almost two months now. She's still getting used to calling the Y/E/C-eyed girl her girlfriend, but in her mind, it just... didn't sit right.

Currently, they were on a little museum date. Sounds kinda boring, but it was actually a really interesting set of exhibitions. And well, Lauren wanted to go.

Y/N slipped her hand in Lauren's and joined her to look at the piece of art. It was a marble sculpture of a kissing couple.

"It's one of Rodin's famous works, The Kiss," the raven-haired girl explained. She gave her girlfriend's hand a little squeeze before turning to face her. "The story behind it is, the woman, Francesca, was married to this man, Giovanni. And then one day, she met her husband's younger brother, fell in love with him, and ended up having an affair with him for 10 years. The husband eventually found out and killed both of them."

"Oh wow," the Y/E/C-eyed girl breathed out, certainly not expecting a backstory like this to a sculpture of two lovers kissing. "And you just... happened to know that?

Lauren gave her a half-hearted shrug before letting go of her girlfriend's hand to wrap her arms around her neck instead, pulling her in for a tight hug.

She buried her face into the crook of her neck and just took in everything she can. Her scent, the warmth radiating off her body, the feeling inside her chest she's getting from such a small gesture, and just this feeling... the feeling of being in her girlfriend's arms.

Finally, she let out a sigh. "I wanna break up," she mumbled against Y/N's neck.

"What?" Y/N choked out confused.

Lauren carefully disconnected herself from the Y/E/C-eyed girl and just shook her head. "I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."

Without much more explanation, she turned on her heels to walk out of the art hall. Y/N quickly caught up to her again and blocked her path. "Did I do something wrong? Why?"

"We just shouldn't have dated in the first place," Lauren whispered under her breath, turning her head away to not face the Y/E/C-eyed girl.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "What did you just say?"

"Never mind," the raven-haired girl sighed out. "We're over." She didn't even give her now-ex to say something and just walked away again. 

"Really? No explanation, no nothing?" the Y/E/C-eyed girl called after her. 

Lauren hung her head low and just continued her way out with tears pouring down her face. She really couldn't do this anymore. She tried to go on with this relationship, but at the end of the day, she knew deep down that she wasn't the person Y/N wanted to be with. This was a bad idea to begin with. That night, she really rushed into a relationship with her, she knew full well that she was just kissing her sister not even 5 minutes ago. 

They just should've never happened. 


"Lauren Christine Cimorelli, open the Goddamn door."

So, it's been a couple of days since the breakup happened. Y/N clearly wasn't satisfied with the entire situation. Okay, sure, she can respect her decision to end the relationship, but at least give her a reason. She was completely left in the dark at that, and yeah. Really can't say she's happy with that. 

She tried to talk to the raven-haired girl again, but for some reason, she can't get ahold of the girl at school. She was just nowhere to be found and neither were her sisters. It's like they all just decided to collectively dip classes or something. Amy and Dani did resurface again after the third day, but there was still no sight of Lauren. And honestly, at this point, Lisa is the last person on her mind. 

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