Chapter 4 - Suspicions

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Narrator's POV

"Hey Laur."

The raven-haired stopped in her tracks and sighed. She was planning to just slip into her room without anyone noticing. Turning around, she saw three of her siblings already looking at her.

Lisa glanced at the clock from her spot on the couch. "Was just gonna tell you that dinner's almost ready."

"Oh okay." With that, she sprinted upstairs to change out of her clothes and to wash her face.

The older sister stared at the place where Lauren was standing not too long ago. That was off. Like okay, her sister sometimes got this mysterious and quiet vibe at home too, but at least she wouldn't be so avoidant like she is now.

Lauren's always been super organized and just has everything on point, but not only did she get home way later than usual without an explanation today, her clothes and makeup were also messier than normally, and her demeanor is just different.

She made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Upstairs in the bathroom, Lauren cried to herself again. One moment, she was just washing all the rushed re-applied makeup off her face, and then the next she suddenly broke down in tears. As if it was out of her control.

She looked down at her hands before glancing up at her reflection in the mirror.

The cheerleaders were right. She was just a freak, a nobody; no one really cares about her; people only like her for her sisters' talent... More tears streamed down her face as she remembered the cheerleaders' words.



The said girl jolted up from the spot on the couch and turned around to glare at her eldest sister. "What?"

"I told you to tell Lauren that dinner's almost ready," Christina said, annoyed that the raven-haired girl is still nowhere to be found.

Lisa threw out her arms innocently. "I did. Ask these two." She then gestured to her two younger brothers who were sitting next to her but they both just shrugged.

Christina crossed her arms as she glared harder at her younger sister.

"Okay, okay. I'll check what's taking her so long," Lisa huffed out in defeat. She slumped her way upstairs and was just in time to catch Lauren walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh, hey Lise," Lauren mumbled as she tried to slip past her sister to get into her room.

Lisa knew better and quickly blocked her path from doing so. She furrowed her eyebrows as she took notice of the redness in her eyes. "Lauren, are you okay? Have you been crying?"

"I'm fine," she assured her sister. Or at least, she hoped it sounded assuring. "I was just washing off my makeup and got a little something in my eye. Don't worry."

The older sister leaned against the door frame, still worried. "Well... dinner's ready, but if you don't--"

But Lauren cut her off. "No, it's fine. I'll be downstairs in a sec."

Once Lisa disappeared again, the raven-haired girl finally went into her room and plopped down on her bed. She pulled out her phone and saw that she's got a new notification.

Unknown: Ur lucky today but i can promise u that this wont be the last time

Unknown: Lets see if ur that lucky every time xx

Great, just what she needed right at this moment. She threw her phone back on her mattress and did some mentally preparing before going downstairs to join her family.

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