Chapter 44 - Cooking (and makeout) sessions

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Narrator's POV

"Oh shit, you should head back to your hotel. It's getting late," Y/N said once she checked her phone for the first time in hours. It was pushing midnight now and even though that's not that late for her, she figured that maybe she shouldn't be completely draining Lisa too. 

So after that clear message that Lauren sent her during the set of Cars + Parking Lots, the music producer had been drowning herself in work. The tour was still happening, but every time she had some free time for herself, she'd just go straight to the studio and work on random songs till she passes out. That was just kinda her coping mechanism for this 'rejection', it can't even be counted as a rejection, it was more like a 'We're definitely over now, so don't even try anymore'. And yup. 

Compared to how she used to be though, overworking herself does sound healthier than hitting the club and doing shit she'll regret once the alcohol wears off. She's finally trying to let go of that lifestyle now, so the studio it is. 

And now that she had a little week off, she's invited the Cimorelli's over again to work further on their album. This was already their third studio session this week and every time, Lisa would stay working with her until the Y/E/C-eyed girl had fallen asleep. Her sisters would usually leave when the clock hits 8 PM because it'll be getting dark outside by that time, and they would like to catch some proper rest and not be working in the studio for the entire rest of the evening. 

Lisa actually wouldn't have minded some more breaks in between, but Y/N didn't seem to be needing any and she hated to leave the girl alone. 

For the most part, Y/N would be just working on beats and sketch some arrangements while Lisa would record some harmonies as a demo for her sisters. The Y/E/C-eyed girl acted like she wasn't paying any attention to what the other girl is doing, but secretly, she was just admiring what the blue-haired girl was able to do every time she stepped into the recording booth and she'd be dropping all her own work for it. 

"No, it's fine," Lisa assured her. "You're not tired yet either, right?"

Y/N chuckled as she shook her head. "You've yawned at least 20 times in the last 3 minutes."

The blue-haired girl looked at her unsurely. She really is fricking tired right now, but she didn't wanna leave the music producer just like this. "Okay, maybe I am a little tired," she finally gave in. As if on cue, her stomach let out a grumble too, voicing its protest. 

"Have you even eaten anything?" Now that she came to think about it, when she ordered some takeout for the sisters earlier, Lisa had stayed her with her in the studio the entire time. Neither of them had left this room, and the food surely wasn't brought in here. So... that means that the only thing she's eaten is the snacks that she had lying around here. 

At Lisa's silence, Y/N figured the answer out on her own and walked over to her. "Alright, up you go," she said as she pulled her up from the chair. She placed her hands on both of her shoulders and pushed her towards the kitchen area. Once they've reached the island by the counter, Y/N planted her on one of the barstools. 

She opened the fridge and her cabinets to check if she had any food. It's actually quite saddening and concerning how there was barely anything in there. She grabbed the box of macaroni and Oreos before reaching for the milk and cheese. "Okay, whether you like it or not, you're eating Mac and Cheese tonight," Y/N announced as she grabbed a couple of mugs and the rest of the ingredients that she had and needed. 

After she had everything laid out on the counter, she glanced over at Lisa again and saw her looking at her amusedly. "What?" she asked with a chuckle.

"Do you even know how to cook?" the blue-haired girl teased, prompting her chin in the palm of her hand. The music producer really didn't look like she can cook anything to save her life, so this is pretty interesting and fun to see. 

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