Chapter 36 - What Kind Of Girl

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Narrator's POV

"So how's it going between you and Cimorelli?"

Y/N leaned back in her chair to sit more comfortably before raising her eyebrow at her best friend. They were currently just hanging out, catching up on each other's life. The music producer was still on her tour, but she had a couple of day-offs in between, so she just decided to fly back to her home and hang there for a while. 

Just yesterday, the Cimorelli stopped by to work on the album again. The progress was actually going really great. A new song got finished yesterday, Cars + Parking lots, it's got some potential to become a single, so they just gotta plan that out. They have three songs done so far and the rest are still being worked on. That's pretty decent for such a short amount of time.  

Now back to the question about how everything's between them. "You mean like the band or one of them in particular?"

Dinah rolled her eyes at her. "What do you think, you smart ass?" She then figured that the Y/E/C-eyed girl really would pretend to be clueless so she added. "I mean the fifth Cimorelli."

"That's Amy," Y/N said after counting who the fifth child was. "It's going well between us. We're bonding, I guess."

"Wait, what do you mean she's the fifth?"

The Y/E/C-eyed girl smirked a little at how she still managed to trick Dinah and stall this conversation. "They have some brothers too and--"

"Okay. Lauren," the Polynesian cut her off. "How's it going with you and Lauren?"

"We vibing," Y/N said with a shrug, lying off her ass right now. I mean, it's not like it's going terribly bad between them, they do talk... sometimes. That can kinda count as vibing, although Lauren's been ignoring her pretty hard lately. But with a history like theirs, this is just how good it's gonna get for now.

Dinah slowly nodded her head. "Does that mean there's still a chance or no?"

Y/N set down her cup of tea and raised her eyebrows at her. "You know I don't date anymore." The raven-haired girl was her first and last girlfriend, and she doesn't really plan on changing that any time soon.

As if she could read her mind, the Polynesian let out a scoff. "Dawg, you're 23. Are you really planning to stay hoe-ing around till you're all old and uneligible?"

Y/N gave her a very exaggerated shrug, clearly not giving a fuck about it. Okay, but then again, the other day when they were filming their Youtube collaboration and Lauren found out someone, obviously, had passed the night at hers and left their underwear there, she... might've started regretting her current lifestyle. It's not even that it was from a recent hookup though. She hasn't brought anyone over at hers for a while, so that piece of clothing could've been from ages ago. 

It's just that, ever since the Cimorelli's are back in her life, she wanted to change the way she lives her life because having Lauren and Lisa back in the picture, they're making her realize how ridiculous and sad her love life has gotten. 

After an awfully long while, Y/N heaved out a sigh. "She dumped me once already. I'm really not going to give her the chance to do it again." 

"You sound exactly like those little boys who's got their heart broken once in high school and just never recover from it," Dinah said with a shake of her head.

"That's exactly what I am."


Now it was the Y/E/C-eyed girl's turn to scoff. "Well, excuse me for having feelings and emotions."

Dinah leaned forward in her seat and clasped her hands together. "Okay, but she's the one that made you stop dating in the first place though. Shouldn't she also have the power to make you start dating again?"

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