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Ji-eun froze, the dark and low voice combined with the sharp point grazing over the back of her neck made her stop

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Ji-eun froze, the dark and low voice combined with the sharp point grazing over the back of her neck made her stop.

"W-what, i-" she began in fear, tilting her head slightly but he pressed the blade against her skin.
"I said don't fucking move." He seethed out.
"I didn't d-do anything."

Renjun let out a humourless chuckle, it was deep and desolate.
"Stop acting dumb, I haven't got time for this." Renjun stated, grabbing her wrist and beginning to drag her behind him.

"What are you-! Let go!" She exclaimed, trying to get out of his grip and he tightened it, irritated.
"Shut up!"

"Why couldn't I just kill you, it would be easier." He muttered, pulling her harshly around the corner.

"Kill me? Oh my God, please let go! Someone hel-" Jieun's mouth was covered before she could yell out, one hand on her mouth and another around her torso.

"I told you to shut up, so I'd do as I say before you regret it." He growled, his harsh breaths hitting her ear.
Jieun whimpered against his hand and attempted to escape his iron grip.

"This is so annoying." He muttered, keeping his hand on her mouth as he began speaking into the earpiece.
"I've got the target-" he said, that was until an elbow rammed into his ribs.

On instinct, he retracted his hand but he didn't stumble from the force.
His eyes zoned in on the girl who began running, frantic as she looked back to see his dark eyes.

He scoffed out wryly and dusted his shirt before taking steps towards the girl who was running.
"Fuck the orders, I'm going to kill you." He hissed, taking larger strides towards her, hair falling over his eyes.

" He hissed, taking larger strides towards her, hair falling over his eyes

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Uh my guy seems a bit violent

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