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As soon as it could register in Jieun's mind, Rinae was ripped away from the girl by an angry Renjun

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As soon as it could register in Jieun's mind, Rinae was ripped away from the girl by an angry Renjun.

"What the fuck." Renjun spat out, pushing Rinae away and going to Jieun. He grasped Jieun in his arms and he brought her to his chest to block out anyone else from seeing her shocked and distraught self.

"Are you okay beautiful?" He murmured against her head and she nodded unable to speak due to the lump in her throat.

Renjun shot a deathly glare and Rinae and had to control himself when it came to Jieun.

"Come on Baby, let's get out of here." He said, pushing his way through the crowd with Jieun in hand.

Rinae watched as the two left, sighing as she knew Jieun's reaction towards it but to her it was worth the try, knowing it wouldn't work- she grabbed her bag and pushed past Jaemin and Chenle and left.

"Well..." Donghyuck trailed off, before he shook his head and walked off with Jeno who was equally confused.

Jieun and Renjun made it outside, up on the roof and she was still confused as hell, sitting down on the makeshift bed.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked worried, hand on her knee.
"Did she just kiss me?" Jieun uttered shocked and Renjun nodded angrily.

"I'll go-"
"No, oh my God...wait does that mean- shit wait she likes me? This whole time wow-"

"Are you disappointed that I'm your boyfriend?" He asked so suddenly Jieun's eyes widened and she looked at Renjun who was looking down in sadness.

She couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips and she ruffled his hair.
"I love you, idiot." She emphasized, jabbing her finger into his chest and he glared at her.

"You better do," he warned, standing up and walking towards her. "You drive me fucking insane you know that?" He said, picking her up which made her squeal in shock.

"Renjun, oh my God I'm going to fall! Hold me properly!" She laughed through her thrill and Renjun's chest vibrated with his own laugh.

His fingers attacked her sides and she yelped out, squirming in his grip and he dropped her onto the bed with a raised brow.

"You're ticklish?" He teased, a knowing smirk on his lips and Jieun shook her head frantically.
"No, no wait! Renjun don't I swear!-" she was cut off by her laughter echoing the air and she thrashed around as he tickled her.

"S-stop!" She breathed out through her tears of laughter and aching stomach and Renjun chuckled before he stopped the torture and his head fell in between her neck and her shoulder.

"I love you, so much."
Jieun felt a small kiss being placed on her skin, delicate and loving.

"I love you too Renjun."

Right the book is gonna come to an end so what should happennnnnn

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Right the book is gonna come to an end so what should happennnnnn

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