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When she reached the deserted halls, Jieun's breaths became shallower and she sniffled as angry, frustrated tears slid down her cheeks

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When she reached the deserted halls, Jieun's breaths became shallower and she sniffled as angry, frustrated tears slid down her cheeks.

She wasn't mad at Jisung, more at the fact the time she had spent intricately working on it was all destroyed.

She could feel herself slipping slightly with the pressure of exams and it built on her, making her feel like she was drowning under the sea of stress.

Her chest rose and fell as she could feel all of her emotio raging to escape, swirling inside her like a tornado.
Her heart pounded, ears ringing and her nails dug into her palm.

Before she could even realise, her fist went crashing into the nearest locker, the sound brutally echoing the halls and pain struck up her fist.

She hissed but she was more angry, upset and frustrated. Jieun didn't know what to do, coming to end of her course yet her work was destroyed with no remains of being saved.

She might as well just give up.
The girl felt like a lost cause, not understanding why she had to be so deluded into thinking anything would go right for her.

Falling behind in classes and her contact with her family became near to none.
It was just all escaping, the storm inside her raging- it began to seep out.

Jieun leant her forhead against the locker, her knuckles hitting the locker- not as hard but still enough to cause pain.

She was sniffling, breaking down but she was so confused- why was she feeling like this?

A small cry escaped her lips, the sound painful to hear for anyone would could hear it- she was suffering in silence.

She hated the fact she was so sensitive, feeling like she had no right to be upset, over what? Other people had a legitimate reason to feel this way and Jieun didn't deserve to be so upset.

It was just pathetic, she felt pathetic- she was going to fail all her exams, she was losing the bond with her family.
She just really didn't know anymore.

Her arm was resting on the locker, eyes against her arm as she cried and cried till her heart clenched painfully.

Jieun gripped the small pendant on her neck, the sharp edge poking her palm, not enough to cause damage but still the pain was there.

She was unaware of it, until warmth was Spread across her lower back. Jieun didn't need to even look, already knowing it was him from the familiar scent of him.

His hand was on her back, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry.
"Baby?" He asked concerned, not being able to see her face.

She didn't respond, scared she'd just burst out crying again.
"Hey," he began softly, running a gentle touch up and down her back. "Hey look at me."

Jieun shook her head, tears wetting her arm and she breathed in, a small hiccup of a sob racking her body.

Renjun could feel the underlying anger for the cause of her tears but his heart painfully clenched and he looked down at her hand, knuckles white but the reddish purple hue of a bruise around it caused him to grit his teeth.

He knew exactly what it was, having experienced it many times.
The boy's hand trailed down her wrist, lifting her hand and running the pads of his fingers under her palm to open her hand.

Jieun didn't want to at first, not wanting him to be disappointed or angry at her. Renjun pressed a small kiss to the back of her neck, being the only exposure of skin.

"What's wrong love?" He asked softly, feeling her back rise and fall under his palm from the crying.

She wouldn't speak and Renjun's nose brushed against her neck, arms wrapping around her frame in a back hug.
"Let's go outside." He murmured, wanting to take her out of the hallway before lesson switch happened.

Jieun shook her head, wanting him not to see her breakdow spiral out.
Renjun's hands came to her stomach, resting on it.

"G-go away." Her voice was shaky, cracking as more tears began to flow down.
"Jieun baby, let me help you okay?" He cooed out, his other hand gently prying open, successfully.
His eyes softened at the dents in her palm from the broken pendant in her hand.

He took it out of her hand and put it his pocket before returning his attention back to her.

Renjun was extremely patient, letting her take her time.
"Do you want me to show you my secret hideout?" Renjun asked, a small smile on his face and Jieun shrugged.

"Let's go, I'll show you."


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