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When she walked into art, her eyes flickered over to the back of the room- Renjun's own eyes glancing up to hers

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When she walked into art, her eyes flickered over to the back of the room- Renjun's own eyes glancing up to hers.

Jieun looked away, hiding her casted arm by her side as she took a random seat near the middle of the class, struggling to pull out the seat with her only free injured hand.

Renjun watched, eyes burning into her direction as Hyunjin came behind her, his hands on her hips as he placed a small kiss to her cheek.

Unknown to him, Renjun's fists clenched tight over his pencil, shaking in his grip until the loud snap pulled him out of it.
"Uh, here's a new one." Someone from in front of him said, giving him a pencil.

Renjun's eyes didn't move from the two however and Jieun looked back in habit, shocked to see his eyes already trained on her.
He held the eye contact, his stare too intense and she looked away first, hand trailing to her neck subconsciously before she turned around and sat down.


Jieun was struggling as her right hand was now in a cast, unable to draw with her left and she was now extremely frustrated.

Her eyes fell on the front table, girls hovering over Hyunjin as he leaned back in his chair, hand grabbing a girls jaw and staring into her eyes as he murmured something.

From where she was sitting, clearly his hand was running up and down another girls thigh, a strange feeling hit her and her face fell.

The harsh yanking of her canvas out of her hand tore her eyes away from the boy.
"I'll just do it." He said almost like it was a chore, huffing and sitting down at the chair next to her.

Jieun's eyes fell on Renjun who had taken her drawing, leaning down slightly as he traced over her faint lines accurate and neatly.
His tongue played with the ring in his lip as he concentrated.

"Its fine." She said softly, eyes trailing back to Hyunjin, a girl now sitting on his knee. His eyes caught hers and he sent a beaming warm smile, compelling her to smile back shyly.

"He's using you." Renjun stated, head still down and Jieun looked over with a crease in her forehead.
"I didn't say anything..."
"You didn't need to, I'm not stupid."

"No you just have anger issues." She fired back, eyes falling to her cast, Renjun didn't say anything as he continued to draw.

"I'm still mad at you." Jieun said, not being able to take her eyes off of him.

"I really hate you." She huffed irritated at his lack of response, sitting back in her chair. "You're so rude, selfish and you don't even care that I got hurt! I had to get stitches and I fainted twice- two times!" She cried out exasperated.

Renjun sighed and put the canvas down, looking at her blankly before his fingers, oddly gentle and soft, moved her hair behind her ear.
His eyes fell to her neck and he drew it back up to her own eyes.

"You'll live." He murmured, retracting his hand and picking the canvas back up again.

" He murmured, retracting his hand and picking the canvas back up again

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