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Finally, it was Friday

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Finally, it was Friday.
The day everyone watch itching for to end, wanting to hear the last bell as they filtered out of school- but no it was 8am.

Once again she walked into Art class, this time a hand tapped her shoulder as she walked alone.

Her head turned back with a jolt, scared at the sudden contact and the boy retracted his hand.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said, rubbing the back of his head and she smiled.

"Sorry I was in my own world." She laughed.
"I'm Hyunjin, in your art class."
"I know." She said softly as they both began to walk towards their lesson.

"How are you?" She asked, turning the corner, looking up at the dark haired boy.
"I'm good, you?"
"I'm feeling better than yesterday, I think I slept through the whole lesson."

"You did." He chuckled but his eyes widened. "Not that I was watching you!"
Jieun scrunched her nose up at his cuteness and stopped herself from pinching his cheeks.

They entered art class and Jieun began walking towards the back.
"You look pretty today by the way!" He called out before jogging over to his side of the class. Jieun blushed deeply and sat in her seat.

"You look pretty today." Renjun mocked, chuckling afterwards.
Jieun gasped at his rudeness and shoved him gently.
"He was being nice, unlike some!"

Renjun raised a brow and nodded at her anger.
"Okay." He said simply, getting his stuff out.
Jieun sighed and looked down at her own work.

"Can I draw you?" She asked suddenly and Renjun looked up at her.
"Wow fine, you don't have to be so rude about it." She sighed, placing her chin in her hand.
"Why do you want to draw me anyway?" He said with a slight scoff.

"Because you're very good looking, plus you're Chinese- goes with my theme." She said nonchalantly and watched as Renjun's mouth parted in shock.

His eyes pierced into hers then he looked down at himself with his eyebrows drawn down in confusion- like someone had told him aliens didn't exist.

Jieun eyes widened and she sat up straighter.
"You don't...you don't think you're attractive?"
"Uh," he began, pulling a face. "No."

"Wow." She said in disbelief, clicking her tongue and nodding. "So if you don't think you're good looking, I must be uuuuugly, but we already knew that." She said with a laugh, standing up to grab the paint.

"Who said you're ugly?"

"Oh Hyunjin, you scared me! And I was just talking about myself." She chuckled and Hyunjin's eyes fell to Renjun.

Renjun didn't look away, he only encouraged the staring contest more, cocking a brow up and twirling the lip ring around threatingly.
"Why don't you come sit with me?" Hyunjin said, hand latching onto her wrist.

Jieun's eyes fell between the two boys as she felt herself becoming anxious with the sudden decision.

Jieun's eyes fell between the two boys as she felt herself becoming anxious with the sudden decision

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