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When Jieun returned to school on that Monday morning, she felt a sense of dread in her gut

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When Jieun returned to school on that Monday morning, she felt a sense of dread in her gut.
"Hey~" Chaerin sang out, flinging an arm over Jieun's shoulder as Yunhee also came to stand next to the two.

"Jaem said they're coming back today."
Chaerin gasped and looked at the eldest in shock.
"All of them?"

Yunhee nodded with a sigh and turned to Jieun, patting her shoulder.
"Just try to stay away from them okay?" Yunhee moved a piece of hair from the girls face before tapping her cheek.
"You're too curious for your own good."


"I'm not that curious." Jieun grumbled, huffing as she rounded the corner and ran a hand through her tangled hair.

The girl sighed and began walking towards her art class, coming to a stop outside the door as there was still time left till the start.
She stood on her tiptoes, peering into the window of the door then falling back on her heels.

Jieun hummed absentmindedly and spun around, only for her body to crash into another one- sending them both to the floor.

Jieun gasped and felt two arms snake around her back on instinct, her own fists gripping the material of their shirt.
A groan made the girl look up, eyes widened by a fraction.

"Renjun?" She said in disbelief and as she moved her lips, they ended up inches away from his.
Renjun pushed the girl off of him and stood up with a glare, dusting himself off.

"Oh fuck sakes." He groaned out with a slight rasp to his frustration. Jieun's lips were etched into a pouted frown and she walked over to the boy who had his head thrown back.

Her fingers clasped around his wrist, holding his hand up to her face.
"Where's the dinosaur bandaid?" She asked betrayed, huffing.
Renjun gave her a look of disgust and yanked himself out of her grip.

"It was childish Jieun, go away." He waved her off nonchalantly, leaning against the wall.
The girl eyed him before leaning herself against the opposite wall.

"How are you feeling?"

A throaty laugh escaped his lips, laced with sarcasm and lack of seriousness- it all disappearing way too quickly as his eyes filled with void.
"I try to kill you and you're asking how I am?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

His eyes scanned the girl briefly before he looked away and his eyes fell on Jisung a few metres away.
"I was just worried...you got hurt because of me- well you did wrongly kidnap me but besides the point-"
"You talk too much, shut up."

"Oh." Jieun said, her mouth clamping shut in surprise and she looked at the ground with sadness.

Renjun's eyes fell to her and a sigh escaped his lips, leaning his head on the wall.
He didn't say anything, his eyes shut on accord of his raging migraine and built up stress, feeling himself becoming more and more drained.

"You seem tired." She mumbled softly, hesitant that he would snap at her once more. Renjun didn't reply to her, he didn't really want to talk to her at all- he didn't even want to be here.
"Glad it's noticeable." He retorted wryly.

Hmmm what's the thoughts

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Hmmm what's the thoughts

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