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They were all sat at a big round table, Yunhee and Jaemin were being disgustingly cute in the corner and Chaerin was shamelessly flirting with Jisung as he blushed deeply

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They were all sat at a big round table, Yunhee and Jaemin were being disgustingly cute in the corner and Chaerin was shamelessly flirting with Jisung as he blushed deeply.

Everyone was engaging into the conversation, laughing and joking around but Jieun felt way too out of it to even eat.
She was slouching on the sofa seat, Renjun's jacket cocooning her with warmth.

"Isn't that Renjun's jacket?" Jeno said, eyes squinting at the girl and she shrugged.
"It's mine now."

Renjun was cut off by a loud, cute, sneeze from Jieun and she whined in pain as it hurt her throat too.
"I want to die." She groaned, leaning back again and closing her eyes.

"You should eat."
"I'm not hungry." She mumbled, yawning as sleepiness fell over her again.

"Chenle you're such a liar!"
"No I'm not, you're just too dumb to understand."

They all began arguing and Jieun smiled lazily at her new found friendship group before looking at Renjun beside her.
He was also looking at his friends and Jieun could feel herself wanting nothing more than to sleep.

She didn't even care anymore, she scooted closer to Renjun, leaning her head against his arm as she closed her eyes.

Renjun was pulled out of his thoughts and looked down at the girl in surprise but she looked unbothered.
So he let her rest on his shoulder.

A few minutes had passed and the girl shifted slightly, clinging onto his arm with both hands, face pressed into his arm.

"She's a clingy sleeper you know," Yunhee began with a smile at her friend. "Once I woke up and she was spooning me."
"She's such a baby, I can't wait for her to find a boyfriend you know- she's legit the most hopeless romantic I know." Chaerin laughed and Yunhee nodded before her eyes flickered to Renjun.

"She'll get one soon."



Do you want your jacket back?

No it's okay you can keep it

Really? But it's a nice one

I've got other ones don't worry

Okay good because I low-key love it
And didn't want to give it back anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think you should donate me your clothes please and thanks

What's your obsession with guy clothes

It's just way comfier
And low-key stylish

Are you feeling better or whatever

Yes or whatever
I'm feeling worse actually 🤧🤧
But dw

I'm not worrying

You are, you care about your best friend too much

Best friend?
You aren't my best friend

I am

Since when

Since I said so idec
Suck my dick

No thanks

You're missing out ;)

I'm low-key dying send help

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I'm low-key dying send help

Thrilling » Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now