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I just spend my time finding some Renjun GIFs for this book and i got carried away but he's so fucking hot so


"Boss wants her here- alive

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"Boss wants her here- alive." Jaemin said, knowing it was way too quiet and Renjun scoffed.
"Well she's dead now so-"
"Renjun! What the fuck man, I hope you're joking because boss will kill you."

Renjun rolled his eyes, looking at the girl who was limp against him. He glanced at her in disgust and pushed her off of him, her falling to the floor.

"What a waste of my time." He groaned, leaning down in front of her, listening out for any indication she was alive.
"Wake up idiot before I make you."

There was no response and he yelled out in frustration, pulling at his hair.
"It's not my fault your lungs are weak." He muttered, kneeling in front of her.

Renjun placed his clasped hands on her chest, pressing on it with short jabs and his dark hair fell over his eyes as he did so.
He threw his head back in irritation, closing his eyes as he leaned back down, pinching her nose and placing his mouth over hers.

Renjun blew air into her mouth, leaning back up and compressing her chest more. He reattached their mouths, blowing more air into her mouth, hoping she's wake up soon.

"You know how many girls would love to be in your position." He scoffed, beginning compressions. "So ungrateful."

He went down once more, mouth on hers when all of a sudden her eyes flew open.
She coughed out and Renjun immediately jolted up and looked at her in disgust.

"You just coughed into my mouth." He snapped, glaring at her. Jieun continued to cough, dizzy when she sat up and began panicking once she saw him.

Jieun scrambled up on her feet, hand on her mouth as she violently coughed- miscalculating her balance when she went crashing into Renjun.

She yelped as she did so, pushing him away and grabbing her discarded inhaler, shakily holding it to her mouth as she breathed it in.

Renjun watched bored, twirling the pocket knife around in his hand as the familiar sound of the engine filled the scene.

Jieun was pulling the contents of her bag back in, zipping it when Renjun grabbed her collar, dragging her to the van and closing it behind her.

Jieun was pulling the contents of her bag back in, zipping it when Renjun grabbed her collar, dragging her to the van and closing it behind her

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I'd gladly do mouth to mouth w Renjun

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