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"Where did you go?"

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"Where did you go?"

The whisper of her voice halted Renjun, his hand hovering over the doorknob as he was beggining to leave the girl in his bed.

He froze still, eyes on the door as he heard the shuffling of the bed covers, feet pattering against the carpeted ground until a warmth was pressed against his back, hands sliding up to rest on his chest.

Almost enchanted, he relaxed with a sigh and gulped down the memories of the traumatic past 6 months.

Jieun hummed questioningly at his lack of reply, pressing a small kiss on his shoulder blade.


He felt her stiffen at the sound, not expecting that answer and he sighed, knowing she had a right to know- turning around and walking back towards the bed- sitting down at it with a heavy heart.

Jieun silently joined him, sitting beside him and eyes running over him.
"I was in Therapy for 6 months- for my disorder." He began, letting out a shaky laugh.

Jieun said nothing, only put her hand on his knee comfortingly, brushing her thumb over it.
"I should probably tell you why I have it-"
"You don't have to-"

"I want to." He cut her off, turning his head to gaze into her eyes. "I trust you."


"-and that's how my family died. All of them in the fire, except from me and Mum."

Jieun had tears glimmering in her eyes and her fingers laced through his, not taking her eyes off of him.
"I should have stopped him, i should have saved them all but-"

"It isn't your fault baby, it's not." She cooed out softly, hand on his neck- the other one leaning up to cup his cheek to move his head towards hers.
"It's not your fault." She said again, voice steady as he looked into her eyes.

"We moved to Korea once she was healed...and two years ago she met Jisung's Dad- I'm glad she did."

Jieun smiled, nodding her head- running a hand down his back but Renjun flinched visibly- body jolting and she stopped in confusion.

His eyes were trained on the ground, fists clenched.
"Jun, are you okay?" She asked worried, tilting her head to look at him.
"I-i...sorry I was thinking about the f-fire and it," he paused, biting his lip almost like he could feel the blazing hot flames on his back- the scorching hot water piercing into his back and Renjun let out a shaky breath.

"I burnt my back, uh badly and I just- sorry I just remembered...I don't know." He muttered and Jieun removed her hand from his back, not wanting to overstep her limits.

"I'm sorry." She said, apologizing for resurfacing the memories and Renjun shook his head, his mind debating with itself.

His shaky fingers clutched onto the hem of his shirt- closing his eyes shut tightly as he lifted the material off his body until his back layed bare to her eyes.

Burn marks littered his back, painful scars of trauma marking his back in the most tormenting way possible and she felt her heart clench- blinking her tears away.

She couldn't speak, feeling like the lump in her throat grew everytime she tried to swallow it down.

Renjun was facing away from her, tears of pain and vulnerability glazed his eyes.
"It's ugly, I know."

Jieun's heart dropped at his statement, feeling the overwhelming amount of sadness and self consciousness radiating from him.

Her hand reached out towards him almost painfully slow, until her fingers hovered over his back- grazing against his most painful memories.

His breath hitched in his throat when her soft, gentle touch skimmed over his back with the utmost respect and love.

Jieun shifted, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward, his hair tickling her nose as she nudged her face in his neck.

Her warm embrace wrapped around his body, pressing such delicate and warm kisses against his smooth neck.

"You're perfect Renjun, nothing about you is ugly to me."

And now I'm crying

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And now I'm crying

Get me a Jieun rn

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