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How to make Renjun more tsundere

"Uh," Jieun began, running a hand through her hair awkwardly as his eyes stared at her- burning holes

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"Uh," Jieun began, running a hand through her hair awkwardly as his eyes stared at her- burning holes.
"You have an eyelash on your face." He deadpanned, nodding over to her.

Jieun scrunched her nose up, hand smothering her face and the boy let out a forceful sigh, leaning over the table.

Jieun's breath hitched as his fingers brushed against her cheekbone, his eyes falling to hers as he gently brushed it away- their gazes not breaking.
"I-i, uh- you really are really like uh good looking up close." She stammered out, blinking at her sudden idiocy.

Renjun's lips pulled up into a smirk and he let out a breathy chuckled, leaning back on his seat, dark eyes glancing at her through his lashes.
"Try not to fall in love with me."

But what if she already had?

"Why do you hate me so much?" She asked suddenly, making him halt his action of putting the lollipop back into his mouth.
"I never said I hated you."
"But you definitely don't like me."

"Do you want me to like you?" He asked with raised brows and she rolled her eyes.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Like what? You're the one taking it out of context Babe."
"Shut up." She grumbled, shoving food into her mouth.

"I still hate you."

They both fell into a silence, him leaning back on his chair, eyes trained on the window as the girl got up to put her food in the trash.
When he had returned, her phone was in his hands and she narrowed her eyes.

"What are you-"
"Just if you ever get kidnapped by someone other than us." Renjun mumbled sarcastically, handing back her phone.

Renjun the hottest guy

A scoff humourous left her lips, smiling but sitting back in her seat.
"Do you have a lot of friends?"

"Rude of you to assume I don't."
"I'm just curious." She mumbled, leaning her chin in her arms and looking up at him.
Renjun sighed and mindfully sat back, taking the lollipop out.

"Not really."
"Why?" She asked softly and Renjun shrugged.
"I'm not the friendliest type."
"You do nice gestures sometimes, you're not a complete asshole- most of the time you are though."
"Thanks." He commented wryly.

"Why don't you be my friend." She said with a sly grin, pushing her chin in her palms and looking at him with a smile.
"I know you want to be friends with someone as cool as me." She joked, laughter ringing melodiously around.

"You wish." He commented, tapping his feet on the ground and Jieun's laughter died down, now turning into a smile.
"So is that a yes?"

"Whatever." Renjun said with a sarcastic eye roll and Jieun let out a gasp and sat up straighter.
"We're friend?" She squealed, clapping her hands together.

"I already regret it."

Making progress yes

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Too fast?

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