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"What's that?" Jisung asked bewildered at the sounds of yelling from upstairs and Renjun harshly sighed, throwing the controller down and standing up forcefully

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"What's that?" Jisung asked bewildered at the sounds of yelling from upstairs and Renjun harshly sighed, throwing the controller down and standing up forcefully.

"I'm going to cut her tongue out if she doesn't stop." He hissed out, his feet heavy as he began to walk up the stairs.

Irritated, Renjun grabbed the keys from his pocket, it jingling around as he shoved it in and turned it, flinging the door open.
"What?" He spat out, his eyes scanning the room, unable to see the girl.

That's until he felt a presence behind the door, he turned around and his reflexes acted fast- grabbing her wrist that had the knife in.

He chuckled lowly and scoffed.
"I could have locked you in the basement, but instead I let you have such a nice room and you try to kill me?" He said lowly, his face coming closer to hers.
"It's okay, you'll die soon anyway Jiyeon."

"I'm not Jiyeon!" She yelled out, struggling to get her wrist out of his grip and he snatched the knife, chucking it out of the door into the hallway before shutting the door.

"Shut up." He hissed. "Stop fucking screaming or I'll slit your throat so God helps you." He raged, pushing her over to the bed.
"Stay quiet." He said lastly, before turning to leave.

Jieun watched full of dread as the boy had begun to leave, her eyes widened at the realization and the instinctive fear and dislike of loneliness had spurted up to her eyes through the form of hot tears.

"W-wait, please!" she stuttered out in the heightened of her developing anxiety. The girl reached forward, her hands outstretched as her fingers curled around the material of his shirt that was resting on his back.
He froze. His body rigid in the form of contact and soon the air became more threatening and cold. 

"Renjun, please listen!" she cried out helplessly, moving in front of him as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.
"I'm scared, please just let me go h-home." She pleaded through her wet, dark lashes.

Renjun's eyes looked down on her, contrasting her softened and scared emotion, he was completely the opposite.
"Let go of me." He demanded, spitting it out and jerking his arm from her grip.

"I'm not Jiyeon, I swear!" She cried, desperation leaking from her eyes and the tears fell faster. "I-i don't know what you want but-"

"I want you to shut up."


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