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"Get off me Jieun

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"Get off me Jieun." He warned, exhaling out shakily. Jieun turned around towards him fully, only being able to see one side of him; eyes closed and fists permanently clenched.

"I said get off." He snapped, patience running low, hand coming to hers that clasped his wrist- trying to pull her hand away.
Jieun placed her other hand on top of his gently- seeing how his rage began to build, or was it the rise of anxiety?

"Fuck off Jieun." He spat, yanking his arm away from her as he began striding out of the store and she wasn't far behind- seeing his quick inhales and exhales.

They had reached outside the store when Jieun grabbed onto his hand. She desperately tried to stop him, seeing his eyes that were dangerously dark with anger and his posture was rigid.

"Don't touch me!" He yelled, going to pull away but she clutched onto him tighter.
"Renjun." She said calmly, her tone juxtaposing his frantic angry one.

His chest rose and fell expeditiously and his fingers itched to cause harm.
"If you don't get off I will hurt you."
"No you won't-"
"I can't control it Jieun." He gritted out, turning to look at her.

"And I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't." She coaxed softly, his hostile eyes following her as she moved to stand in front of him.
"Go away Jieun, seriously just fuck off." He spat out.

"Renjun listen, it's okay just calm down-"
"Don't fucking tell me what to do, you really think I won't shoot you in the head?"
"I-" she said taken aback by his malicious tone but she didn't have long to dwell on it when Renjun yelled out.

His cap was long discarded and he gripped his blonde, white hair in his fingers.
"Renjun-" she breathed out in shock at his sudden change in character.

He was panting, eyes screwed shut.
"Go away." He muttered out, his tone fragile in comparison to his rage.
"Just go away." He was vulnerable as he kneeled on the floor, attempting to calm himself.

"I want t-to hurt you." He gritted out, staring down at his hands. Renjun looked up, his pure black eyes slitting into hers.
His harsh breaths filled the air and he felt like the monster inside him was building inside him, threatening to burst.

Her eyes were wide, unsure of what to do- scared.
The fear in her eyes made him groan out, attempting to push away the anger that had stirred inside him.

Kill her

"Stop it." He murmured to himself, on his knees, hunched over with his fists on the ground.

Kill her

"I can't-"

Kill her

"Renjun, hey it's okay." Her voice was soft and pure as she crouched down in front of him, not too close.

A dark chuckle fell from his lips.
"I'll be okay when I hurt you-"
Another wave of pressure hit him, groaning out in pain again, smacking his fist against the ground.

"Go away- please!" He yelled out desperately, the whirlwind of blood red rage coursing through his veins.
"No." She said simply and he snarled looking up at her.
"I'll fucking kill you!"

Kill her

Yes please da-

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Yes please da-


So like
Y'all probably thinking tf is wrong w Renjun

Idk if you guys know of a certain disorder or anything like this I don't want to offend anyone ❤️

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