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"Why am I always so fucking angry, why am I the freak, why- why can't I be like the others! I can't- I'm such a-"

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"Why am I always so fucking angry, why am I the freak, why- why can't I be like the others! I can't- I'm such a-"

Renjun was panting in pain, mentally and physically as he leaned over her, holding one wrist to the ground and Jieun's shaky hand reached up towards him.

"You're perfect as you are Renjun." She whispered through her overwhelming fear and sadness.
Her soft hand came in contact with his hair, pushing it out of his eyes.

"Look at me," she said softly, tilting his head down slightly so he was looking at her. His eyes were glazed over with tears but they were still pitch black.

"There's nothing wrong with you baby, I promise." Her voice was oddly stable, soft yet hard hitting as she ran her gentle fingers down from his hair to his cheek where an angry tear fell.

"You're hurt Jun, let me help you." She smiled warmly at him, her actions were slow, cautious as she pushed his shoulder slightly and he followed her- sitting up on his knees- eyes staring at her bright and warm smile.

For a second he had forgotten he was hurt, entranced by how gentle and innocent she was, caring with no judgement.
"I'm just gonna lift your shirt up, just a bit so I can see where you're hurt okay?" She asked clearly, waiting for him to reply.

Renjun's eyes were still on her, almost infatuated by how she could still remain calm and loving in this given situation- she hadn't left him despite his flaws.

He gripped the back of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head and just sat in front of her.
"Oh!" She squeaked out, surprised and cleared her throat.
"Or y-you could do that, I mean uh..."

Jieun shook her head out of it and looked at his side where the wound was bleeding from and she grimaced.
His eyes were watching her every move, unable to tear his gaze away as he felt the person inside him slowly recluse back.

"He's gone." Renjun breathed out and Jieun looked up at him, confused but when she looked into his brown eyes she realised what he meant.
"That was quick." He muttered, tilting his head in surprise.

Jieun wasn't really sure what to say and her eyes fell to his collarbone, the starting of the tattoo.
It was going down onto his chest, the Roman numerals inked dark.

"What does it mean?" She asked in awe and he followed her gaze.
"It's the day my family died."
"Oh, i-"
Renjun's stare made her stop and she averted her eyes from him- not wanting to pressure him as she grabbed his shirt, leaning forward and hooking it around his waist, her hair falling over her eyes as she was inches away from his chest.

Jieun was focused, her own medical instincts kicking in and her tongue peeked out slightly, unaware of his eyes that wouldn't leave her face.

She was gentle, tying the shirt securely and slipping his jacket she stole off of her body and held it behind him.
He frowned slightly in confusion, the realisation setting in him as he remembered how his Mother would help him with his jacket when he was younger.

His Mother was still alive- barely though.

The warmth hit him, spreading across his chest as he began putting his arms into the sleeves, watching entranced as she pulled the jacket closer together, fumbling with the zip.

Jieun began zipping it up until she reached the collar, which is when she looked up, breath hitching at the close proximity of their faces.

Jieun began zipping it up until she reached the collar, which is when she looked up, breath hitching at the close proximity of their faces

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All I'm saying is Jieun is a real one

Let's be real how many would even do what's she's doing 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


but Renjun is an actual babie I'm sorry ugh

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