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He died

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He died

Ooh 69k ;)

"You may see-"

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"You may see-"

Jieun let out a choked cry of relief, pain- the overwhelming amount of emotion that flooded through her made her jolt up but before she could enter- she stopped.

Jieun turned to his family, giving a smile that didn't quite reach her ears as she stepped away and let them in.

"Please don't leave him." His Mother whispered as she watched past, clutching Jieun's hands and the girl nodded, sucking in the tears.

She was a mess- a complete and utter mess but she still forced her feet to move, entering the small hospital shop and rubbing her eyes as she picked up some flowers- a card along with it.

Her gut still wrenched and she felt the pain of the reality sink in.
He tried to kill himself.

Crumbling to the floor outside his room, she sniffled and got out the card labelled.
'To someone special.'

To Renjun,

This isn't really ideal in this given situation but I wanted to do this- I hope you don't laugh too much at my shitty attempts but here we go haha.

I just want to start off by saying, you've changed my life- completely.
Whether it be when you kidnapped me and tried to kill me or when you were always there for me despite my many hissy fits and annoying self.

I realised through knowing you that I unknowingly had began to fall for you. Maybe it was when I sat beside you in Art and pestered you ever since, or maybe it was when you broke my arm haha- kidding.

I think I had always been intrigued by you, I always felt very drawn to you even when you hated me and wanted to literally kill me- I don't blame you I did knee you in the balls but ok moving on.

I'm not sure exactly when I began to like you, but it was definitely before we began getting closer as friends which is probably stupid because we barely knew each other and then when you opened up about your disorder- I knew I really did like you.
It sounds pathetic of me to say but I really admire you, I wanted to be there for you and I was happy you chose to open up to me.

I want you to know that you having DID doesn't change the fact that I think you're absolutely, without doubt fucking perfect.
And I don't only mean your hell of a hot face because I've mentioned that one too many times ;)

This card is already so long wow but, what I was saying is that your disorder doesn't define you, it isn't what you are as a person- you're so much more than that Renjun. You deserve everything and more, you deserve so much love and I really hope I can give you what you wholeheartedly deserve.

Your worth is more than you think and I want you to know you're not alone Jun, I'll always be there to listen to you- hug you. Hell we can take 3am trips if it means you won't be alone.

I'm writing this as I sit outside your hospital room, unsure if you're completely okay.
I had been too much of a coward to say this before which is rich coming from me because we both know I have a big mouth sometimes.

But I like you Renjun, I really do.

And yes- in answer to your question, I do think of kissing you when I see you- so like maybe we can see if it does hurt one day :)

Yeah I'm really not good at this whole flirting thing- just don't laugh at me >:(


Well that was a long card

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Well that was a long card

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