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"What is she looking at?" Chaerin whispered to Yunhee, looking at Jieun who had a permanent frown on her face as her soft eyes stared into the person a few tables away

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"What is she looking at?" Chaerin whispered to Yunhee, looking at Jieun who had a permanent frown on her face as her soft eyes stared into the person a few tables away.

Yunhee turned around and caught sight of her boyfriend, sending him a smile and a quick wave.
She turned back to her friends and sighed.

Chaerin let out a slight "oh." at the realisation and tutted at the girl.
"She falls for people too quickly."
"She just has a good heart, she wants to see the good in everyone. Renjun...he's someone I don't want her getting involved in."

"I'm right here." Jieun stated, shoving food into her mouth.
"I know but you're spacing out over lover boy."

Jieun sighed and slammed her hand on the table, making them both jolt.
"Is it really that bad that I want to be his friend!" She exclaimed exasperated and her face lit up in realisation.
"Be right back."

Jieun took some papers from her bag and walked over to the exact same table Renjun was on, sliding into the seat next to Jisung- opposite Renjun.

"Hey." She said to Jisung, tapping his shoulder. The younger boy looked away from Chenle and to the girl.
"Oh hey Jieun, what's up?"

Jieun held up a finger and passed him the papers.
"Get it done by Friday." She said with a smile, starting to stand up as he groaned.
"Have fun!"

She was still smiling as she stood up, eyes subconsciously flickering to Renjun who was looking back at her.
Jieun's heart lurched and she immediately looked away, heading back to her table.

On her way to English with Yunhee, they were both cut off by a boy grabbing Yunhee by the waist and pressing his lips against hers

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On her way to English with Yunhee, they were both cut off by a boy grabbing Yunhee by the waist and pressing his lips against hers.

Jieun's nose scrunched up in disgust and she looked away, her eyes finding 5 of them standing there- equally disgusted.

"Oh Hi, I'm Jieun, you must be the guys who kidnapped me." She said bitterly, looking at the two boys and huffing.

"Ah, Hi I'm Jeno..."
"Hey I'm Donghyuck!"

Jieun eyed them before breaking into a grin.
"You guys got the wrong girl haha!" She laughed, eyes crinkling up and her gums showed as she smiled.

Her gummy smile was undeniably cute, her hair bouncing around as she threw her head down, laughing. The sparkling glint in her eyes noticeable.

"How annoying." Renjun muttered, looking away from the girl as she laughed.

" Renjun muttered, looking away from the girl as she laughed

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Renjun bro
Your crush is showing

Jk he's a stone cold bitch

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