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Your gal is sick
Low-key hope I don't have tonsillitis
But my nose is runny so we hoping it's a  cold so like Jieun is sick because I am 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Nah tbh it's easier to write about something I can fully experience lmaooo

I'm really obsessed w this book and the characters like ugh

Okay author notes are annoyingggg sorry

By the end of the lesson, Jieun eyes were burning, feverish and overall feeling worse as time went by

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By the end of the lesson, Jieun eyes were burning, feverish and overall feeling worse as time went by.

She had her head down on the table, stealing Renjun's jacket to place over her head to block out any light.
She was glad to have been wearing more loose jeans as it was more comfortable and she soon fell into a slumber.

Renjun sat back in his chair after having spent the last two hours working hard on his artwork, finishing it finally.
He held it up and looked at it, pleased with the result.

His eyes flickered to the girl next to him, her back rose and fell gently, indicating she was asleep.
Renjun eyed her artwork, leaning over to grab it and examine her Chinese patterns and he breathed out a soft laugh.
"I told you to add more red." He muttered, grabbing her paintbrush as he began to correct her work, finishing it off for her as she slept.

"Hey Jieun, you should come eat lunch with me-!"
"She's sleeping dickhead." Renjun stated monotonously, not taking his eyes off the work.

Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed at Renjun and he scoffed slightly.
"Who are you to call me dickhead?"
"The same person who will snap your neck if you don't leave."

"I don't understand why she's friends with such a freak- I bet you like her don't you?" Hyunjin said tauntingly. "You have a crush on Jieun but let's be real, she wouldn't ever like someone like you."


The bell went off, signalling the end of lesson and Renjun took it upon himself to clean their desk before returning, eyes falling to the girl.
"Jieun," he began, nudging her slightly.
"Jieun wake up." He said again and a hum fell from her lips.
"It's lunch." He said and Jieun sat up slowly, his jacket around her head as she blinked sleepily.

The sight of her groggy and sleepy self made him look away and grab his bag as she fixed her disorientation.
He pushed his chair in and when he looked back at Jieun she was slipping her arms through the sleeves of his jacket which took him by surprise.

But he didn't say anything.

Jieun grabbed her bag and silently began walking, her head throbbing immensely and she felt like a walking corpse.

"The guys said they found a bigger table to sit at- so we all can." Renjun said and Jieun nodded to him, yawning and rubbing her eyes with her jacket paws.

"I feel like shit, I even look like shit." She whined, voice slightly raspy from being sick and Renjun looked down at her.
"You don't."

Jieun sighed and inched closer to him as they walked through the busy halls.
"Have you got any water, I feel like I'm swallowing sandpaper." She groaned, looking up at him and he nodded, handing her an unopened bottle.
"Thanks." She said as she took it and Renjun watched as she began drinking from it.

"How come Hyunjin has a bruised jaw?"
"Because I punched him."

Jieun gasped, nearly spilling her water.
Renjun shrugged.
"He was pissing me off."


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