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"B-but..." She said, looking over at Renjun.
Renjun scoffed out a laugh and gave her an 'are you kidding' look.
"You'd be doing me a favour if you went." He said, focusing back on his work.

Her eyes fell from him to Hyunjin, feeling a pang of sadness but she shrugged it off and nodded.
"Come on." Hyunjin said with a smile, holding his hand out.

Jieun placed her hand in his and Renjun's eyes flickered up to their joint hands and he fought against the urge to laugh.

The boy tore his gaze away and looked down at his work as he sat alone, like it was before she joined him.
"Nice work Renjun." The teacher complimented, looking down at the lonely boy.

"Thanks." He mumbled, resting his chin in his palm.
"I thought you had Jieun sitting next to you, I'm glad you've made a friend-"
"She isn't my friend and I'm okay sitting alone." He said, sighing and standing up to put his work on the drying rack.

"Wait, let me teach you." Hyunjin said, smiling down at the girl and standing behind her, guiding her hand with his own on top of hers.

"Wow he's so good looking."
"I know right."
"She's so lucky."
"I hate her."
"Ugh, I want to be her."
"He's mine."
"He did that with me last week! She's not special!"
"I thought she was friends with that psychopath Renjun."
"Shh don't say his name outloud!"

Jieun gulped uncomfortably and her eyes subconsciously grazed over to the boy who sat along, drawing.
She felt her heart bring tugged on and a frown fell on her lips but she was pulled out of it when Hyunjin's fingers slipped through hers, guiding their hands across the page.

"Like this." He said above a whisper, his breaths fanning the side of her face. Jieun looked at him, their eyes fitted and a blush rose to her cheeks.
Hyunjin's eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips making her panic slightly.

"You're beautiful." He muttered, leaning in slightly. Jieun's eyes widened as he came closer and her heart raced expeditiously, uncontrollably.

"I- uh, excuse me for a second." She blurted out, untangling herself and quickening her pace.
"I thought I told you go to." Renjun said with a monotonous voice.

Jieun shrugged and sat beside him, hand on chest as her cheeks heated up.
"Am I blushing?" She whispered, fanning her face and Renjun turned towards her.

"You look like a tomato." He deadpanned and Jieun groaned in embarrassment of Hyunjin seeing her that way, how close he was to her, his lips-

"Argh!" She exclaimed frustrated, standing up, leaning over Renjun and snatching his water bottle and downing it.

"Argh!" She exclaimed frustrated, standing up, leaning over Renjun and snatching his water bottle and downing it

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Well if Hyunjin came close to me I'd be a mess too

What should happen next yo

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