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Just a fair warning
Bit of 💏💏 ahead
So y'all children if you aren't for the lil kissy kissy makeout sesh then BYEEEE

Her arms were still wrapped around him as she kneeled behind him, feeling the warmth of his chest under her hands as it rose and fell

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Her arms were still wrapped around him as she kneeled behind him, feeling the warmth of his chest under her hands as it rose and fell.

His eyes were closed as he relished in the feeling of her embrace, tilting his head down until his lips brushed against her arm.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, sighing with a heavy heart. "For leaving, I shouldn't have left you but I had to."
"I understand, it's okay."

"It's not, I'm such a dick and I left you, I left the gang too-"
"I joined the gang." She blurted out, wanting to get it off her chest.

The air was silent for a second and anxiety rose inside her, unsure of his reaction.

"I know."
"You do?" She asked incredulously and she felt Renjun shift, now sitting with his front facing her, Jieun's arms now on his shoulders.

"I don't agree with it, at all...but I trust you in that you'd want to do what you want and not feel forced-"
"I wanted to, I did. I learnt a lot of self defense after- uh Hyunjin."

Renjun tensed, eyes narrowing and Jieun sighed, sitting back on her heels now face level.
"And I'm never in that much danger, I usually help Jaemin behind the scenes-"

"I don't want you getting hurt." He sighed, brushing the hair out of her face, eyes softening as he touched her.
"But I'm not in control of your life and I'll respect any decision you make."

Jieun broke out into a smile, lunging her arms around his neck.
"This is why I love you."

A chuckle left his throat and he rubbed his hand up and down her back comfortingly.
"I love you more." He said seriously, pulling back to gaze into her eyes and flustered cheeks.

"You drive me absolutely insane Lee Jieun." He said with a dorkish grin, nudging his nose against hers.
Jieun blushed deeply, unable to contain the affect he had on her.

Renjun hand found her waist the other on the nape of her neck as they both leaned in, heads tilted and lips meeting together like a puzzle.

The kisses began slow, sweet with every emotion spilling through it. Their lips were soft, easygoing, her hand on his arm.

They pulled away, his intense eyes locking with hers before he smiled uncontrollably, pecking her cheek.
"I missed you, you know?" The sparkles in his eyes glimmering.

"Shut up and kiss me." Jieun clutched his jaw, reattaching their lips and a slight gasp of surprise left him.

Their lips melted together, slow and passionate kisses became deeper, pulling away breathlessly only for their mouths to rejoin.
The kisses became more frequently, more messier, her hands trailing up his arm before looping around his neck, trying to gain as much closure as possible.

His own hand moved from her shoulder to her face, resting on her cheek, the other one on her waist, drawing circles onto the skin rhythmically.

Renjun exhaled out from his nose, their mouths clashing and moving in sync. His teeth slightly grazed against her bottom lip- causing him to deepen the kiss further.Their tongues clashed against each others, her fingers pulling on his hair.

Their hearts were beating expeditiousness, no other sound but their heated kisses and Jieun was sure he could hear the raging of her heart, the sound filling her ears, the pumping of blood drowning out any other background noise.

He felt intoxicated by the way her lips felt on his and the comfort it brought him as her fingers weaved through his hair but the other one rubbed the skin of his shoulder in contrast to their heavy makeout session.

His fingers found the roots of her hair, pushing her head further towards him to eliminate the space between them.

Jieun unwillingly pulled away, her breaths heavy and she immediately got up, leaving him utterly confused and dejected.

"Sorry, did I overstep-"

"No, no God no," she breathed out, stumbling over to her bag and rummaged through it, grabbing the inhaler.
"Just a little asthmatic." She coughed out, taking the inhaler and Renjun let out a sigh, leaning back on the bed flat on his back.

"I thought I did something."

Jieun laughed, shaking her head and walking over- crawling on the bed till she cuddled into his side, throwing her arm over his warm torso and nuzzled her head into him as his hand found her back.

"Sorry to ruin the moment."
"You're such a fool, of course you didn't ruin the moment." He pressed a kiss to the side of her head. "We don't need to rush babe."

Jieun hummed and she felt her eyes becoming heavier, sighing contently at the feeling of his fingers massaging her head therapeutically.

He watched adoringly as the girl's eyes fluttered shut, her breaths soft and deep- slipping into a slumber.

"Goodnight love."

Okay but like wattpad wasn't working

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Okay but like wattpad wasn't working

So does the comments work now

And yes they kissy kissy

What you gonna do about it 😤


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