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Jieun ran, the streets were deserted and she became more conscious of the fact it got dark awfully quickly in the winter

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Jieun ran, the streets were deserted and she became more conscious of the fact it got dark awfully quickly in the winter.

She was panting, her lungs restricting the intake of air, her legs burned and if didn't help she was asthmatic.

Renjun caught up to her pretty quickly, now running after her as the wind hit them harshly as they ran.
She couldn't take it, her lungs giving in as she began coughing, slowing her down.

The sound of feet running close made her yelp out in fear, tears gathering as she knew she couldn't outrun him.
"Please, let me go!" She screamed as she continued running.

"I can't do that Jiyeon."
"I don't even k-know y-you." She coughed out, now beggining to gasp for air as her head became hazy.

She couldn't go on, giving in and bending over with her hands on her knees, gasping out for air.
She hears his footsteps nearing and she held her hands out for him to stop.

"Wait!" She cried out, unable to breathe and she fumbled around with her bag with shaky hands and the contents spilled out.

Jieun clutched the fabric of her turtle neck over her chest, panicking as it felt as though she was suffocating, clawing at her neck.
She dropped to her knees, now able to see his shoes come to a stop.

She frantically looked around for her inhaler, tears dripping off her cheeks.
Renjun tsked and crouched down, picking up the blue object, the inhaler, and holding it up with a hum.

"Convenient way to die actually."

Jieun looked up at him, her cheeks red from the coldness and the mix of her tears, slightly red lip from her biting it anxiously and stray pieces of hair falling over her face.

She attempted to swallow, only further causing her suffocation and she began coughing violently, unable to stop.
"P-please," she panted out, crawling over to him.
He watched her, eyes void of emotion as she reached over for the object.

"Ah, ah." He said, pulling the object away and watching as she couldn't even cry out, voice hoarse as her eyes began drooping.

"P-please..." She whispered out, hand reaching once more, before it going limp- eyes rolling back and falling onto the boy.

" She whispered out, hand reaching once more, before it going limp- eyes rolling back and falling onto the boy

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