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"Move." Renjun barked out, his eyes full of void and distaste on his face- standing behind the obnoxious 16 year olds who decided to take up the hallway.

The boys were laughing, loud and extremely annoying- leaving no room for people to walk by.
At the sound of his voice, the laughter settled down and the boys turned to see Renjun with an irked expression.

"Move." He repeated, more defined now as he had gained the attention of the teenagers and one of the boys' eyes drifted down to Renjun's hand with a smirk.
"Look, he's an art major." One snickered, his friends joining in.

Renjun didn't find it funny at all, his tongue running over his top teeth in irritation and his fists clenched.
"Oh, gay boy is getting angry-"

Renjun's knuckles thrashed into the side of the boy's jaw, sending his neck jerking to the side.
Multiple choruses of gasps echoed through the air and people began to back off.

The boy's friends, all wide eyed, clambered back, leaving Renjun and the injured boy in the middle.
He cradled his jaw, looking at the older boy in shock.

"I what? Huh?" Renjun interjected dauntingly, eyes widening a fraction in anger and his fists began to hurt from clenching them too much.

The teenagers eyes flickered to his friends who watched him expectantly and he gulped.
"You bitch, you can't e-even throw a punch!" He blurted out, watching as Renjun's face rid of anything humourous.

The older boy nodded sarcastically, pointing to his own lip.
"Is that why you're bleeding? Well I guess I can't argue with you so... we'll have to practice till I get good hm?" Renjun spoke.

"I- uh," the boy began, dropping his bloodied hand and standing straighter.
"You can't do shit- you're all talk."

"Am I now?" Renjun raised a brow and bit the lip ring between his teeth and pretended to ponder. "I guess I'll have to change my ways."

"What's going on?" A voice interjected, the girl stepping into the crowd and her eyes falling to Renjun.
"Shut up." Renjun scoffed, eyes trained on the boy in hostility.

"What?" Jieun said in shock, stepping closer.
"Nervous now yeah?" The boy said with a shaky voice, eyes flickering over to Jieun. "You won't to shit Renjun, you're a pussy- a weak little bitch." He spat.

Renjun blinked and his face fell blank before he threw his art folder, it landing at Jieun's feet.
"We'll see who the weak bitch is." He growled, yanking his jacket off and lunging for the boy.

"I'll fucking tear you apart."


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