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When Jieun returned, Renjun's face was a deadly pale and a sheen of sweat simmered on his skin, clutching the fabric of his jeans in his hand

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When Jieun returned, Renjun's face was a deadly pale and a sheen of sweat simmered on his skin, clutching the fabric of his jeans in his hand.

She slid into the car and Renjun immediately started the car, laboured breaths and he began to drive off, squinting slightly through his spotted vision and blurry sight.

Thankfully, he had made it to her house and they hadn't conversed at all. He still said nothing, holding onto the groans of pain until she left.
Jieun got out of the car and Renjun let out a breath of air he had been holding.

But he was surprised when his car door open, jolting up- resulting in a hiss of pain and Jieun's eyes softened in worry.
She leant over him, undid his seatbelt and pulled on his arm slightly and he frantically shook his head, trying to get her off.

"Get off." He demanded, trying to use his strength but he was weak- on the verge of collapsing.
"Please, just come inside-"
"Get off." He growled out, hot sweats falling over him as his ears began ringing.

Jieun didn't take that as an answer, she managed to pull him out of the car and slung his arm over her shoulder, his body weight leaning on her as he couldn't stand on his own two feet.

"Shit." She breathed out, trying to steady herself and him at the same time.
Renjun was physically too weak to even say anything and she couldn't feel the dampness of blood on his side as she held onto him.
"Fuck!" He yelled out as her fingers accidentally dug into his wound and she gasped, moving her hand in horror.

Jieun felt terribly worried, overcome with concern as they reached her front door, shoving the key in and basically barging through the door.

"Hey Sis, how was- oh my cheesus! What the hell Jieun-"
"Mark, help me-" she said struggling with Renjun and Mark lurched forward and put the half conscious boy on him instead of his sister.

Jieun sighed and rubbed her arm, closing the door behind her. Jieun picked up the shopping bag, rushing into the living room where Mark was.
Renjun was laying on the sofa and Mark was pacing around the room.

"Jieun! Who is this? What happened-"
"Shh, please I'll explain later just don't let Mum know-"

"Let me know what?"

"Let me know what?"

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Mother is here 😮

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