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"What do you want?" Renjun said, making the girl look up from counting the tiles on the floor in confusion

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"What do you want?" Renjun said, making the girl look up from counting the tiles on the floor in confusion.
"Huh?" She asked as they reached the cafeteria and Renjun nodded over to the food line.

"Oh I'm not hungry-"
"You need to eat something, you haven't been eating." He stated and Jieun's mouth opened but closed as she couldn't really argue with it.

"I'll buy something later." She said nonchalantly as they walked towards their table.
"Hey." Jisung said with a wave and Jieun greeted him back, along with the rest.

She slid into the seat and looked up at Renjun who was still standing as he put his bag on the table, rummaging through it.
"Aren't you sitting?"

Renjun looked up at the girl and shook his head.
"I'm buying you food and if you don't eat it I'll break your arm again." Renjun said as he grabbed his wallet and began walking off.

"That's what I call, love."
"Which part, the food or breaking her arm?" Donghyuck laughed and Jieun rolled her eyes, kicking him.
"Feisty." Donghyuck winked and Jieun sent him a look of disgust.

"Someone told us about your little crush." Chenle giggled and Jieun's eyes widened, looking at Yunhee and Jaemin.
"Jieun has a crush?" Jisung exclaimed.

"You like someone?"

The voice made Jieun jolt and she began feeling sweaty, flustered and she shook her head.
"Here's you food." Renjun muttered, sliding the tray over to her and sitting beside her.
"I'll pay you-"
"Just eat Jieun."

The girl sighed, looking at the food and feeling sick.
"Are you going to eat or wait for someone to feed you it?" Renjun commented, looking at the girl who slouched in her seat.

"I'm just tired." She said, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"I can knock you out if you want." He teased and Jieun scoffed humourously.
"Sounds great." She quipped sarcastically.

"Are you coming to tutor me on Friday?" Jisung asked and Jieun lazily nodded.
"At the café again?" She asked and Jisung shook his head.
"I'm grounded, can you come to my house?" He pouted.

"I don't have a ride though..."
"That's okay Renjun can pick you up."

"Says who?" He laughed wryly and Jisung raised a brow.
"Okay nevermind I'll just come to your house Jieun-"
"What time shall I pick you up?" Renjun said cutting Jisung off.


Jieun caught up to Renjun who was walking through the halls at the end of the day, hands in his coat pockets- blonde hair sticking out in the crowd.

"Excuse me, oh sorry coming through." Jieun said as she tried to catch up to him, her trainers patted against the ground as her hair blew behind her.

She grinned as she reached him, unknown to her running towards him, he absentmindedly hummed.
Jieun snaked her arm through his as she reached him, making him jolt in surprise.

Jieun sported a cheeky grin and she tightened her grip, him sending her a light eyeroll.
"You're so annoying." He said and she stuck her tongue at him.

"It's raining," she said as they reached outside.
"Wow, good observation." Sarcastically, he said and Jieun glared at him.

"So like, drive me home? Thanks."

Well I see their friendship getting a bit too strong

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Well I see their friendship getting a bit too strong

It's almost like


They're flirting 😮

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