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Yeah I think I'm goin' deeper
I keep losing focus
No, just let go of me
Let my own feet carry me
I'll go in myself
In the deepest depths
I saw myself

DeeperYeah I think I'm goin' deeperI keep losing focusNo, just let go of meLet my own feet carry meI'll go in myselfIn the deepest depthsI saw myself

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He didn't let her go.

Hell why would he?
Why would he be so stupid to let the love of his life go when he spent the last 6 months working on himself to become a better person- for her.

It was all for her.

Countless therapy sessions and finding himself again, agonisingly slow as he pierced back into the trauma he faced when he was younger.

Opening up deep wounds, the ones that had terrorised him for life; ruining his mentality.
But he was fixing it, for her.

6th January 2014

"Daiyu- hey!" Renjun exclaimed, snatching the book from her that he was peacefully reading until his younger sister took it from him.

She giggled, the laughter bubbling at her lips as she got up, beggining to run around the house- the contagious happiness ringing through the halls.

Daiyu wasn't watching where she was going, the 8 year old girl bumping into their father- their abusive and alcoholic father.

The girl's smile fell, stepping away from the man who clutched the bottle neck in his hand, her back crashing against Renjun in fear.

"You little bitch-" the father lunged forward, only for Renjun to step in front of his sister, glaring up at the man.
"She didn't mean to."

"Shut up boy, I'll snap your fucking neck."
Renjun had his fists clenched, breathing deeply from his nose and his father chuckled, pushing him aside and grabbing Daiyu by her hair.

"No, no please! Daddy please I didn't mean to!" Daiyu screamed out as her father began dragging her upstairs.

"Stop!" Renjun yelled out, running after them, heart in his throat as they reached the bathroom.
The young girl was uncontrollably sobbing, the sound painfully squeezing at his heart.

"Me, hurt me instead- leave her out of it!" Renjun exclaimed desperately, clutching onto his Father's arm.

The man laughed darkly before snarling, ripping the boy's grip from his arm and pushing him into the shower.

There was a sadistic, sinister look on his face as he turned the dial to the shower, scorching hot water piercing into Renjun's skin as a scream of agony bounced off the walls.

The sound was mixed in with her cries, running out of the room to find their Mother.
"Help, help! Ah, please Renjun- Mum!" Daiyu screamed out terrified, red cheeked and tear stained.

Their Mother layed on the bed, unmoving with her eyes on the ceiling, tears cascading down her face.
"Mum! Renjun he-...Mum?" The girl whispered, walking closer to see a pool of blood staining the white sheets.

Their Mother turned her head, eyes full of grief and sorrow.
"I'm so sorry, it's gone."
"The baby, h-he...I'm so sorry."

She clutched her stomach, biting her lip in pain- unable to move.
"Mum! Oh my God, stay here I'll call Chao-" she said referring to her older brother and their Mother shook her head frantically.

"Get your sister, please- get her, she's in her room." She cried out in pain, sucking in a breath of air. "I'm so sorry baby." She sobbed out.

Daiyu didn't know what to say, running out of the room to the toddlers room.

Renjun panted as his Dad began walking out of the room, the boy immediately turning on the ice cold water, whimpering as it hit his skin.

Clenching his fists, he walked out of the bathroom in pain- his eyes falling on his father who had walked into the guest room with a lighter and a can of gasoline.

"No," Renjun breathed out, running towards him instinctively. "No-" he was cut off by the roaring of flames as his father laughed sadistically.

"You're all going to die." He spat out and Renjun was in a state of shock, watching as the flames licked the room and he was quick on his feet- running into the children's room.
"Quick, Daiyu- take her out of the house! Quick! Go!" Renjun screamed out, running back into the hallway and coughing.

He couldn't see, flames dancing across his childhood home, eyes landing on his Parents room.

"Mum-" he breathed out, rushing towards it, halting in front of the rising flames. The boy pulled the top of his shirt over his mouth, eyes burning from the heat but he didn't care.

He ran into the burning room, Mother laying still on the bed in pain.
"Oh my- Mum! Hey, Mum I'll get you out of here okay? It's okay." Renjun cried as he hooked his arms under his Mum, pained by the burns on his skin and the rising heat.

"I'll get you out." He repeated through his tears.
"It's okay." He said, running towards the door, the flames bigger than before and Renjun covered his Mother's face as he ran through the doorway, not stopping till he was downstairs.

It was worse down here, everything was unrecognisable in flames and he could feel his skin burning expeditiously.

He pushed through, running outside onto the green grass, putting his Mother down and falling onto the ground in agony as he felt people shouting at the scene.

Renjun was dipping in and out of consciousness when his Mother screamed out.
"My babies! Oh my God, someone please- they're still in there!"

And the house came crashing down.

And the house came crashing down

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