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As they walked out, arms linked- laughing, a figure stopped them

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As they walked out, arms linked- laughing, a figure stopped them.
"Oh my God, Jieun hey!" Rinae said enthusiastically, her heels clicking as she walked closer.

Her eyes fell to Renjun and her face lit up.
"Oh hi, I'm Rinae!" She said, flirtatious placing a hand on his shoulder, running it down his arm.

Renjun eyed her hand, face blank at her nails lightly scraping his skin.
"I used to be friends with Jieun-"

"I don't care." Renjun deadpanned, yanking his arm from Rinae's grip and walking off with a face of void.

Rinae's mouth fell agape and Renjun turned around.
"Aren't you coming?" He said to Jieun with a ghost of a smile, holding his hand out. Jieun's eyes flickered to Rinae then back at Renjun- stepping forward and placing her hand in his as they began walking towards his car.

Approaching the car park, Renjun shifted his grip so his fingers fell in between hers, intertwining their hands properly.

It felt right, like everything was falling onto place as their hands joined- warmth spreading through their bodies.

"She used to be my best friend." Jieun explained quietly and Renjun glanced down at her.
"What happened?"
"She wasn't a great friend... she always tried to like take away people in my life. Like my crushes." She laughed dryly.

"Crushes hm? You never told me who you liked at lunch." He teased and the girl went a shade of red.
"Is it him? Hyunjin?" He said with distaste and Jieun looked up at Renjun.

"You wouldn't believe me even If I told you." She muttered and Renjun raised a brow.
"Is it Jeremy the quiet kid in art?"
"Oh damn, is it noticeable?" She joked and they both laughed.

"Just a bit."

Renjun pulled up outside her house, watching as she reached to the back to grab her bag, unbuckling her seatbelt

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Renjun pulled up outside her house, watching as she reached to the back to grab her bag, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Well here's my stop." She said, pointing to her house and Renjun let out a slight laugh.
"That's why I pulled up here Jieun."
"Oh, yeah right." She said embarrassed but shook her head.

The streets were already dark at 4pm and the only light was the one from the car, illuminating their skins.
"Have you changed your mind about me drawing you?" She asked hopeful as Renjun drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

He rolled his eyes but nodded.
"If I have to."
Jieun smiled and opened the car door.
"Thanks for the ride home, see you tomorrow." She said leaning over and quickly pressing a small kiss to his cheek, leaving as fast as she could.

Jieun was halfway up the driveway when she heard her name being called.
Renjun got out of the car, holding up her bag.
"You forgot this."
"Oh!" She laughed at her forgetfulness as he walked her with her bag.

"Thank you, bye!." She said, taking it from his hands and began to turn around when Renjun's hand latched onto her wrist.

Jieun stopped, looking towards him curiously.
Renjun stepped forward, leaning down and pressing his lips against her forhead, making her eyes close involuntarily.


💋 I see

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💋 I see

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