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"What's going on- Jieun?" Jisung gawked in disbelief at the distraught girl with blood stains on her hand and hair messy- different from her usual pristine look

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"What's going on- Jieun?" Jisung gawked in disbelief at the distraught girl with blood stains on her hand and hair messy- different from her usual pristine look.

Jieun's eyes widened and she immediately flung her arms around Jisung's neck.
"Jisung- oh my God, I've never been so glad to see you-"
"Hyung what are you doing with Jieun Noona?" Jisung asked confused, rubbing the girls back and Renjun's eyes fell between the two.

"She's the daughter of Moon side gang-"
"What? Noona, your family is in a gang!" Jisung asked bewildered, pulling away and she shook her head frantically, gripping Jisung's sleeve with teary eyes.
"I'm not, please- I'm not the person they want!" She cried out, hiding behind Jisung's back.

Renjun still stood there, unmoving with the same cold stoic look and he tilted his head to the side, leaning left so he could see her.
She shrieked at the sight of his menacing smirk and he let out a deep chuckle before standing straighter.

"Taeyong wants her."
"But she's...she's my tutor, I've been to her house before Renjun Hyung..." Jisung said trying to make sense of it.
"He thinks I'm Jiyeon!" She exclaimed, stepping to the side slightly to look at the older boy.

"I'm Jieun- J i e u n." She spelled out clearly and Renjun eyed her unconvincingly before stepping forward and grabbing her wrist, dragging her down the stairs.

"No, no wait! Please let go- Jisung please-!" Jieun yelled out, before Renjun's hand clasped over her mouth as they moved down the steps.
"Be quiet, they thrive for new blood." Renjun muttered lowly in her ear.

Jieun froze and Renjun pulled her down further into the house, until they reached a lonely door at the end.
It was named Renjun's office and she was pushed inside, the door closing behind her.

Renjun locked it shut, fists clenched as he strided over to the various drawers up against the wall, pulling them open.
"I just want to go home, please- I'm sorry for hurting you, please don't be angry at me, I didn't mean to-"
"Shut up." He snapped, grabbing the file and slamming it on the table, making her jump and a squeak of fear fell from her lips.

Her hair had began to fall out of its ponytail, pieces framing her face.
His eyes were concentrated on the paper, forhead furrowed and he took the lip ring between his teeth.

Now, as the light above him fell onto his skin, she could see him properly.
He had black hair that fell over his eyes, leaning over the desk and a ring pierced through his lip- paired with three earrings on each ear.

Jieun could see the starting of a tattoo peeking from the exposed collarbone.
"Enjoying the view?" He said, a smirk on his lips but his head was still down at the paper.

"How did you...?" She asked in disbelief as he hadn't even looked up.

Renjun tilted his head up and his eyes pierced into hers.
"I'm the ace baby, I see everything."


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Do you see me crying over your fancams at 4am because you're so damn hot-

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